How To: Be a Real Life Superhero (With or Without the Cape)

The following was taken from an interview with Pepsi Refresh I did some time ago. . .some basic things i wanted to get across. . .and continue to try and get across. . .
How To: Be a Real Life Superhero (With or Without the Cape)
By: Rebecca McQuigg Rigal of GOOD
So you want to make the world a better place? Maybe start with your block, or your neighborhood. Maybe start with an awesome costume. You don’t need superhuman powers or otherworldly resources to be a Real Life Superhero, just plenty of passion and a taste for the theatrical. We recently spoke with DC’s Guardian, about what it takes to be a costumed crusader for good. He had these six tips for making the world a better place, one neighborhood at a time.
1) Know what you stand for. It’s not a prerequisite to don tights or a mask, but every Superhero builds an identity around good morals and values.  Likewise, you’ll need a cause (or several) for which to crusade. Look around your community for action groups that need help.
2) Identify your weapons. And we’re talking personal skills here, not nunchucks.  After identifying a cause, ask yourself what you can bring to the table to help fulfill that need. Take stock of your interests and find a way to donate your time and talents in ways that will be compatible with your lifestyle.
3) Dress for the fight. While it doesn’t take spandex to be a Superhero, always come prepared for the task. Whether the job entails managing logistics for a fundraiser, educating local youth, or just showing up to the right place at the right time with the right supplies, you’ll want to be known as a responsible and accountable crusader.
4) Don’t get mistaken for the bad guy. Real Life Superheroes can be activists, volunteers, educators, or neighborhood safety patrollers, but in order to establish an identity as a community crusader for long-term success, you’ll have to work closely with local citizens, civic leaders, and law enforcement. Collaboration and communication are key.
5) Don’t break the law. Never go above the law, and always stand firm behind your actions. As DC’s Guardian says, “If you can’t stand up and say ‘I did this!’ you shouldn’t be doing it.”
 6) Be humble. There’s no such thing as a self-serving superhero, in real life or otherwise.
DC’s Guardian is prominent figure in the RLSH community and President of Skiffytown League of Heroes – a national network of original superhero characters dedicated to performing acts of community service.

Evidence Collection Kit

By Thanatos
I’ve been putting a proper evidence kit together for some time now.  it’s taken some time to assemble everything together.  I’ve used online catalogs and additional references to put together a professional style kit.  this is what I have so far.
got things a little bit at a time.  the case for Christmas





contents of left section


contents of center section


right section


and a complete list of things so far
inside pocket-lid-
2x 2GB cards       ruler/scale (x2)
toothbrush         touch light
marker pen         plastic locking forceps
flex lite          steel spring forceps
bic lighter        plastic spring forceps
scalpel blades     6 ft tape measure
left compartment-
2x DVD/CD blanks
plastic bags 8 1/2 x 11
plastic bags 4 x 6
plastic bags 2 x 4
sponge head swabs
tongue depressors
sterile syringe
latex and nitril gloves
q-tip swabs
center comartment-
digital camera
paper bags 4 x 8
safety glasses
pure water in single use dispenser
aron-alpha glue
tape recorder
60 min cassette
2 inch tape
1 inch tape
1/2 inch tape
3 x 6 index cards-blank
plastic bags 2×2
right compartment-
sheet magnifier
assorted size magnifiers (x3)
lighted magnifier
super scissors
plastic locking forceps (x2)
eye lupe- 6x
pen light
pressure scissors
utility knife
chemical hazard gloves
instrument pack-
steel spring forceps
large tissue scissors
scalpal handle
fine tip scissors
fine side cutters
locking forcep
locking forcep
ultimate scissors
small locking forceps
I still have test kits for drugs ans a few other things to come along yet.  it’s a work in progress.

Phantom Zero's Outreach Check List

Foods need to make sense. They need to be “functional foods” which can be easily stored, easily stashed, or easily or eaten “on the go.” Most homeless people have no can openers, no heating elements, limited access to anything which would allow them to use anything with preparation beyond adding water (and even water is scarce). They usually only have personal storage space, so large items are out. The more compact, and the less perishable, the better.
Non-perishable items can be stored for a later time. Don’t overstock yourself on perishable items, as you may be overstocked with extras which will go to waste. This is especially so for the same type of perishable items–repetition is boring.
It is sometimes difficult to find that fine line between quality and quantity. Certainly, some of the cheaper, more basic things will keep someone alive (as attested to by the offerings of many homeless shelters), but I’ve found that the act of charity should also bring with it an acknowledgment that you care–and better quality and variety foodstuffs and drinkstuffs can mean just that.
The best way to serve these things is by making a large box with a variety of items, offering what you have, and letting whomever decide what they want. It’s always good to have someone stand by your main supply whose job at any given stop is to fill boxes when they run low on one supply, or need to be completely refilled. A box should be kept filled on standby.
Of all these items, clean drinkable water is the most important.
(You can live up to three weeks without food, but only three days without water). Expect to hand out twice as much water than any other item–more if the items you hand out require water to make.

__No Preparation (Pre-packaged; Individual Size; Non-Perishable)

___Cereal Bars/Granola Bars


___Crackers (plain or flavored)

___Dried Fruit/Fruit Leather

___Energy Bars

___Freeze-Dried Vegetables

___Jerkey or other Shelf-Stable Meat (or meat substitute equivalent)

___Nuts/Seeds/Baked Soybeans

___Peanut Butter/Nut Butter

___Shelf Stable Fruit Cups/Applesauce Cups

___Shelf-Stable Cheeses

___Shelf-Stable Pudding Cups

___Trail Mix/GORP

___Vacuum-Packed Fish & Chicken (pull-tab or pouch)

__No Preparation (Perishable)

___Fruit (sturdy, low-tooth fruit preferred)

__Requires Preparation (Perishable; Cold Service)

___Cereal Packs (how-to below)*

___Hard Boiled Eggs

___Logan Bread (how-to below)**


__Requires Preparation (Hot Service)




__Requires Preparation (Non-Perishable)


___Ready-to-Eat Meals

___Soup In A Cup


__No Preparation (Non-Perishable)

___Bottled Water

___Juice Boxes

__No Preparation (Perishable)

___Bottles/Cans of Fruit/Vegetable

___Shelf-Stable Milk/Milk Substitute (High Temperature/Short Time Ultra Flash-Pasturized)

____Note: Once opened/made, these dairy products can spoil.

__Requires Preparation (Perishable)

___Powdered Milk

__Requires Preparation (Non-Perishable)

___Instant Beverage Enhancers – Cold (Iced Tea, Kool Aid, Lemonade, Powdered Gatorade, etc.)

___Instant Beverage Enhancers – Hot (Instant Cappuccino, Instant Hot Coco, Instant Coffee, etc.)

_Other Items



___Hard Candy

___Plastic Sealed Packs of “fun sized” Candy (M&M’s, Reeces Pieces, etc.; loose foil wrapped chocolate melts)

___Sugar Packets (for beverages)


___Containers and Serving Utensils for Bulk Items (Large Stable Pots for Chili/Soup/etc. and ladles)


___Cups (Hot/Cold Beverage)

___Soup Cups


___Utensils (forks, spoons, knives; individually wrapped preferred)


____Note: I’d advise caution before handing out drugs of any sort. Over The Counter drugs are still drugs. In high, or even moderate doses, they can have adverse health effects. If you do choose to hand these out, make sure they are clearly labeled and “single dose” packs, and never hand out more than one pack at any given time.

_Over The Counter Drugs

___Acid Controller Tablets (Pepcid AC)

___Antacid tabs

___Anti-Diarrheal Caplets (Imodium A-D)


___Pain Killers/Non-Steroidal Anti Inflammatory (Aspirin/Acetaminophen/Ibuprofen)

_Nutritional Needs

___Electrolyte Packets



___Adult Diapers

___Baby Wipes

___Hand Sanitizer

___Lip Balm

___Toothbrushes & Toothpaste (travel size)

___Women’s Products

_First Aid/Other Medications

___Basic First Aid Kits (band-aids, antibacterial ointment packets, etc.)

___Cough Drops/Throat Lozenges

___Foot Anti-fungal Ointment

Clothes should be clean and preferably new (or well laundered).  For outer clothes, the less conspicuous and the better they blend with the background in an urban environment, the better.



___Thermal Underwear


_Basic Clothes


___Jeans (the sturdier, the better)


_Winter Clothing



___Hooded Pullovers

___Knit Caps


___Warm Coats

_Sleep Utility


___Sleeping Mats



___Plastic Bags/Garbage Bags

___Refillable Containers  (Aluminum/Plastic)


___Can Opener

___Duct Tape



___Clear Plastic Tarp

___Hand Warmers (chemical activated)

*Cereal Packs (to be added)

**Logan Bread (to be added)

Q and A: Mask- Saving Face

Mr. Jack
PostSubject: Saving Face Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:39 pm
I have been self-debating the pros and cons of mask wearing, and I wondered what the general opinion was. I showed my face once in Portland and it has had me thinking since about what good a mask really does. I personally love masks, but there has been a part of me questioning the functionality of them and I wanted to hear some other thoughts.
I’ll start out by stating my reasons and love of wearing a mask. I know that a lot of people say that there are detriments to a mask, but I find that my mask is one of my defining features. I like it better than my face, to be honest. The mask allows me to erase the man beneath and step into what I want. It siphons off the normalcy and individualism and elevates me. I find exhilaration when I wear my mask, and especially when I wear my full suit. I have always been one for dress-up. This goes beyond that. When I look in the mirror I do not see myself, I see Mr. Jack, and all the potential he comes with.
On a more practical level, masks allow anonymity, plausible deniability, and to not be caught. I’m not doing anything illegal, but activism has its costs, and in a small town like mine I would prefer not to be known.
I guess my whole thing is that the mask allows for a certain freedom that I could not otherwise obtain. By wearing the mask, I allow myself to become something different, better, courageous. To quote one of my Artists: “Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof.”
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:52 pm
Well, I never really even considered one. But I know a lot of the cops in my town & they would have figured out it was me pretty quick anyway.
Also I have the Supermobile so anybody wanting my ID would just run the tag.
The pro of no mask is it’s given TJ the ability to be the first RLSH Non-Profit in history, as I can do all the paperwork, but protect everyone elses ID.
The Con is that I’m out in the open. I’ve made it clear elsewhere that the major reason I started packing wasn’t because of Supervillains, but because of so called Superheroes that befriended me for years then suddenly went nuts & turnned on me, thinking I was a Govt. agent or some such crap.
You’re real easy to find with a public ID. You just have to make them wish they’d never found you.
As for the mask itself, Somebody cranks it, you’re blind. They kick your ass. Although most places have “Mask Laws” you usually have to be in commision of a crime to be prosecuted. But most cops don’t care. They stop you & give you a cavity search anyway. you can’t go anywhere near a store, etc. etc.
there is a LOT to weigh in when deciding on a mask or not.
Silver Sentinel
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:54 pm
As long as you’re approachable, then wear the mask. I know that you’re one of the ones that wants people to be able to approach you and not be frightened off. Wear the mask. It’s part of your outrageous style! It gives you flair and panache.
My normal identity opens many doors for me, so the fact many people can identify me under the goggles isn’t so terrible. But if you prefer the anonymity, go for it.
By the way.. even without the mask.. the bright flashy suits are going to make “getting away” kind of difficult.
Mr. Jack
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:03 pm
I have a night suit that I use for that sort of thing, and as of late I have been going plainclothes. I use the suit for when I am out in the open, like at a meet or when I am donating. I try to wear the mask as often as possible, though.
As for self-defense, if anyone ever gets near enough to crank my mask then I have done something seriously wrong and probably deserve to get the crap beat out of me. I am more of a stealth guy. But still, you bring up a valid point, Superhero.
Dark Ghost
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:03 pm
Like you I wear a mask for anonymity plus and also like you when I wear my mask I feel a freedom that I have never felt before I feel stronger and like you more courageous. Now the other reason I wear a mask is due to the fact that alot of people in my area know my face. I like the anonymity because it keeps my family and friends safe.
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:18
You know SS has a point, your look (like mine) is extemely “garrish” so people don’t really feel threatened by you. I’d imagine people would more than likely walk up to you in your Purple & Yellow & say “Hi! What are you doing here?” then be scared.
Even kids.
Color means a lot when it comes to masks.
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:49 pm
Well, in my case. The Ol’ Red, White and Blue tends to help. I find way more people are receptive to it, than some of my past persona’s.
So, I don’t really get hassled about my mask. I’m actually working on some posters, and business cards (Check out the thread in the Drawing Board Section) thanks to an idea from a clerk at a gas station. Went in there to use their facilities and get a drink. Got to talking to the Clerk, who’s the manager there, wanted to know if I had a poster or sign that he could hang on the door, letting others know, that I come by there. Like that it’s under my watch. Told him, I’d see if I could come up with something.
I like very much, right now, that Patriot, is seperate from me. The mask allows me to go about without being recognized as everyones favorite star spangled bruiser. Although, once summer hits, this year I’m debating on a Smallville inspired uniform, with a much smaller mask.
I apologize if I rambled, but I believe I’ve given my piece in there somewhere.
master legend
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Sun Feb 07, 2010 9:39 am
the black does present more of a mean side.the good thing about black or red is that it don’t show the blood stains.
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Sun Feb 14, 2010 11:42 am
Originally I wasn’t going to wear a mask. Maybe an eye one like Robin. Seems to me like it would inhibit my hearing and vision and make it harder to breath and understand. Every time I’ve worn a mask I felt annoyed lol. On top of all that, I have a giant head and fat cheeks. I’d look reeeeaaally silly in a mask. But now that I’m seriously considering becoming active, I realize I don’t want people to know who I am. I don’t go out much. When I do its to get something done. I guess I feel like if nobody knows who I really am, then nobody can stroll right up to my house and attack it or my family. What if I screw up and ruin my reputation as a good guy? I’d rather have my identity get blamed and just design a new one than have my entire town hate me. Maybe I should start designing a mask just in case… /worry
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Sun Feb 14, 2010 12:39 pm

DayDreamer wrote:
Originally I wasn’t going to wear a mask. Maybe an eye one like Robin. Seems to me like it would inhibit my hearing and vision and make it harder to breath and understand. Every time I’ve worn a mask I felt annoyed lol. On top of all that, I have a giant head and fat cheeks. I’d look reeeeaaally silly in a mask. But now that I’m seriously considering becoming active, I realize I don’t want people to know who I am. I don’t go out much. When I do its to get something done. I guess I feel like if nobody knows who I really am, then nobody can stroll right up to my house and attack it or my family. What if I screw up and ruin my reputation as a good guy? I’d rather have my identity get blamed and just design a new one than have my entire town hate me. Maybe I should start designing a mask just in case… /worry

Much like what was stated here, wearing a mask is for the benifit of friends and family, I personally think its a bit care less and selfish to persue and ,most likley, piss-off hardcore criminals, with no way of hiding your identity, because you are putting friends and family at risk, they are at risk because of YOUR actions.
And also, with a mask (hidden identity) it becomes easy to lay low for a while, after a serious investigation or serious event reguarding your ‘RLSH’ self.
Super Guest
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Sun Feb 14, 2010 1:43 pm

Vague wrote:
Much like what was stated here, wearing a mask is for the benifit of friends and family, I personally think its a bit care less and selfish to persue and ,most likley, piss-off hardcore criminals, with no way of hiding your identity, because you are putting friends and family at risk, they are at risk because of YOUR actions.
And also, with a mask (hidden identity) it becomes easy to lay low for a while, after a serious investigation or serious event reguarding your ‘RLSH’ self.

There is no such thing as a 100% foolproof way to ‘protect’ your identity. Only to hide it. And even then it could always be figured out. So pissing off criminals posesses the same level of threat to your family if you were to hide your identity, than if you were to not hide your identity.
The question is how effective could you be at putting them away so that even if they are pissed off, they can’t do anything to you. Or how influential you may be to making them not dislike you (if you make sure that if you patrol with someone else, one of you plays good cop, the other plays bad cop).
Cops don’t hide their identities.
And let’s assume you’re right, and that you piss off a criminal, and you aren’t wearing a mask. That just means 2 steps to tracking you down. Step 1- They find out where you live. Step 2- They get you.
Versus if you are wearing a mask. Step 1- They find out who you are, Step 2- They find out where you live, Step 3- They get you.
So it won’t stop the process from happening entirely, assuming they want to go after you bad enough. It would just delay it, perhaps.
Wearing a mask and/or just makes them want to go after you that much more. I think a lot of you put on a mask because you want to be like Batman. Deep down you love to feel like Batman. But the reasons you state are the same reasons Batman states “I must protect my identity, I must protect those I care about…” but if you really want to hide your identities that much, have any of you ever tried disguising yourselves as someone else entirely? Make-up, glasses, facial hair, wig, different clothing styles – perhaps making yourself appear to be the opposite gender?
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Sun Feb 14, 2010 2:21 pm
It does not pose the same threat level because they need to find out your identity, if you are making it THAT easy for the criminals to find out who you are (showing your face) then i dont understand how you are thinking about the saftey of your family and friends.
Step 1 is a big step, and depends on how skillfull you are, if you are skillfull enough to hide your identity from others, and patrol in a big enough place (like london) then hiding your identity from criminas isnt too hard, especially if alot of effort and thought goes into it.
The criminals dont hunt down cops because there are serious implications for doing so, the cops have the law on their side and it would be stupid to attack a cop and/or his family for ‘cop-related’ issues, and even then, you still hear stories about cops being killed and such be criminals because of past arrests or so…
I agree, it does make them want to go after you that much more, but no more than being a ‘RLSH’ in the first place, i would rather hide my face, then show my face with a different disguise, remember the serious criminals dont ask questions first, if they see someone that looks like a certain person has pissed them off so much, then that person is at risk, meaning that i can disguise my face with make up an glasses an such, but it still shows my face, and its really no more different to wearing a mask.
Super Guest
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Sun Feb 14, 2010 2:36 pm
All it takes is for one, or a few of them to pull off your mask and they could find out who you are. Now, it doesn’t always necessarily mean they can find out your name and info from there, unless they already knew you. But it makes it that much more easier for them. Now if the mask works for you well, and you don’t have any extra unnecessary problems with it, then more power to you. I would just suggest not letting it give you a false sense of security. Plan for those worst case scenarios.
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Sun Feb 14, 2010 2:46 pm
Thats true, my point is that having a mask provides more protection than having none, im always aware of my mask and the fact that it could be pulled off, and believe me if I could go out without a mask I would (it would be alot easier to blend in and also not attract attention, as well as not affect my Peripheral vision) but I feel safer with one on..
Theres Pros and cons about mask issues, it all depends on the individual, if you have friends or family to worry about, if you patrol in a big area where nobody would recognise you without your mask anyway, if you feel that you can achieve more with a mask on.. etc,
But yeah, remember, its only an extra measure of protection, dosent really protect your identity fully…
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Mon Feb 15, 2010 2:57 pm
I think that a mask is a way to become more than just that guy who wakes up in the morning and drinks some coffee and goes of to work. You can become an image that is forever immortal and indestructable. Now obviously there are some down sides with wairing one, such as your vision being possibly obstructed. Nevertheless, If your identity is protected and overall, your personal wellfare and safety, a mask is an upside. Also, if its some kind of Domino, best to change your hair if possible.
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Mon Feb 15, 2010 5:44 pm
What about masks for functionality? Protect the eyes from things like sand and the like. Perhaps something over the mouth to protect against inhalants (smoke, etc.). That’s where my head is at with to mask or not to mask. I suppose it depends on the community you’re in but where I’m at, it’s statistically improbable I’ll be recognized and later tracked down. No need for anonymity. Yes need for protecting my baby blues. Medium need for cool factor. I’m pretty badass on my own. Genetics.
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:56 am

JohnnyVegas wrote:
What about masks for functionality? Protect the eyes from things like sand and the like. Perhaps something over the mouth to protect against inhalants (smoke, etc.). That’s where my head is at with to mask or not to mask. I suppose it depends on the community you’re in but where I’m at, it’s statistically improbable I’ll be recognized and later tracked down. No need for anonymity. Yes need for protecting my baby blues. Medium need for cool factor. I’m pretty badass on my own. Genetics.

Actualley, protection of my eyes is partly why I wear my mask, well the goggles anyway, im looking to get some new goggles that have a wider range of vision, early on last year i looked at gettin a mask to protect against harmful inhalants, and im still looking into that now…
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Mr. Jack
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Wed Feb 17, 2010 1:16 pm
I think she means monkeydungeon. Follow the link here if you dare (0-):
I think one of the biggest issues about mask wearing is the limit on visual field, but I am seeking to overcome that. My current mask actually does not limit my sight very much at all. And about the cranking thing, I am seeking a way to integrate my mask into an under shirt or anchor somehow so as it does not turn when pulled like that.
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:10 pm
Quite frankly, for all of you who are actively seeking criminals, or anyone in particular, I’d make the face less recognizable. Don’t want questions to turn into answers.
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PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Mon Mar 01, 2010 12:38 pm
I wear a simple bandanna around my mouth and nose, as well as wearing sunglasses. I guess this does obscure my identity, but my “mask” is really a matter of practicality. I’m often picking up stinky refuse and getting my face down in the dirt and dust and stuff. Since I suffer from asthma, it’s better for me to not inhale that kind of thing and the bandanna helps with that.
Super Guest
@Samen. actually that is a practical way to do it. Any you can “lose” the “mask” in a big hurry that way.
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Mon Mar 01, 2010 1:29 pm
Yeah, if it came down to it, having a bandanna and sunglasses is way less noticeable than an actual mask I guess.
the KnightVigil
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Tue Mar 02, 2010 9:56 am
I’ve gone with and without my mask depending on the situation… I typically wear my mask more so out of physical protection than to hide my identity… it has a totally different surface and offers about half a centimeter of padding, but its a bit hot on summer days… Also to me, the complete image of the mask with my suit in particular is more intimidating… I have been toying with the idea of redesigning a lacrosse mask so i can take advantage of the steel mesh, but we’ll see lol, might have to talk to Z about the best way to do that
Mr. Jack
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Tue Mar 02, 2010 4:28 pm
I have been toying with armor capabilities integrated into my mask, but I am worried about the bulk. If anyone has questions about masks, the guy to go to is definitely Z. He makes fine quality stuff and can get you what you need. You could also ask Victim, but I am not sure whether he does masks.
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Sat Mar 06, 2010 11:10 pm
Protection is one thing, but from an identity standpoint, disguises are way underrated. Get some colored contacts, some rinse-out costume hair color. Make-up can be used to darken your skin tone, and even alter facial structure- and no, I don’t mean prosthetics, more along the lines of “optical illusions”; by lightening or darkening certain areas to give the effect of highlights and shadows, you can make parts of your face appear more prominant.
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Sun Mar 07, 2010 11:42 am
I just explain what I am and what I’m doing and havent had any trouble yet even when doing my handouts to tht ehomelss. for some reason they seem to get the explanation I give and have taken to me because of it.
in stores I just explain and shrug off the strange looks. no one has called the cops on me yet, in fact most of the police seem to try to ignore me. guess they figure I’m just one more nut job out there and dont want to do the paperwork on it.
we went into a homeless camp during the olympics and while the salvation army, red cross and our police said they couldnt and wouldnt enter we had no problems. they all got who we were and we made a bunch of new friends.
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Sun Mar 07, 2010 4:02 pm
as to superhero fashion shows; looked it up on youtube, this might “arouse” something…… just not your desire to go out in public like what I saw on the runway. unless of course you were those models…….. or looking to slap somebody with a sexual harassment suit.
also; some things you’re hoping are simply hoping to be superhero related….. aren’t. be careful what you click…… sometimes you simply end up with more questions, like “How can she be comfortable in that suit?” or “Why’d they post this and leave out the best parts?” my favorite is “do you think she can taste that?” alongside “Wow…. I thought they didn’t get that close to those parts of the anatomy on youtube….. isn’t there somebody making sure these videos are okay for kids? I mean… I can clearly see her hoo-hah.”
seriously tho; as to masks, I’m considering one for public things seriously.

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Human Trafficking

To begin to help in the struggle against human trafficking, we need to understand it.
Want to help? Need to learn how to help? Look here:
U.S. State Department: Office To Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons
How You Can Help (Adapted from US State Department &
General Information
Tips for Recognizing Victims of Trafficking
* Understand the different forms of trafficking: labor or sex trafficking
* Visible Indicators of Trafficking
* Understand the profile of a trafficked person
* Health Characteristics of a Trafficked Person
* Signs that a person is being held as a slave
* Questions to ask if you suspect you are in the presence of a trafficking victim

Different forms of trafficking
Sex Trafficking

Victims of sex trafficking are often found in the streets or working in establishments that offer commercial sex acts, i.e. brothels, strip clubs, pornography production houses. Such establishments may operate under the guise of:
* Massage parlors
* Escort services
* Adult bookstores
* Modeling studios
* Bars/strip clubs
Labor Trafficking
People forced into indentured servitude can be found in:
* Sweatshops (where abusive labor standards are present)
* Commercial agricultural situations (fields, processing plants, canneries)
* Domestic situations (maids, nannies)
* Construction sites (particularly if public access is denied)
* Restaurant and custodial work.
How Do People Get Trapped Into Sex or Labor Trafficking?
No one volunteers to be exploited. Traffickers frequently recruit people through fraudulent advertisements promising legitimate jobs as hostesses, domestics, or work in the agricultural industry. Trafficking victims of all kinds come from rural, suburban, and urban settings.
There are signs when commercial establishments are holding people against their will.

Visible Indicators of Trafficking
Visible Indicators May Include:

* Heavy security at the commercial establishment including barred windows, locked doors, isolated location, electronic surveillance. Women are never seen leaving the premises unless escorted.
* Victims live at the same premises as the brothel or work site or are driven between quarters and “work” by a guard. For labor trafficking, victims are often prohibited from leaving the work site, which may look like a guarded compound from the outside.
* Victims are kept under surveillance when taken to a doctor, hospital or clinic for treatment; trafficker may act as a translator.
* High foot traffic especially for brothels where there may be trafficked women indicated often by a stream of men arriving and leaving the premises.
Trafficking victims are kept in bondage through a combination of fear, intimidation, abuse, and psychological controls. While each victim will have a different experience, they share common threads that may signify a life of indentured servitude.
Trafficking victims live a life marked by abuse, betrayal of their basic human rights, and control under their trafficker. The following indicators in and of themselves may not be enough to meet the legal standard for trafficking, but they indicate that a victim is controlled by someone else and, accordingly, the situation should be further investigated.
Profile of a Trafficked Person
What Is the Profile of a Trafficking Victim?

Most trafficking victims will not readily volunteer information about their status because of fear and abuse they have suffered at the hands of their trafficker. They may also be reluctant to come forward with information from despair, discouragement, and a sense that there are no viable options to escape their situation. Even if pressed, they may not identify themselves as someone held in bondage for fear of retribution to themselves or family members. However, there are indicators that often point to a person held in a slavery condition. They include:
1. Health Characteristics of a Trafficked Person:
Trafficked individuals may be treated as disposable possessions without much attention given to their mental or physical health. Accordingly, some of the health problems that may be evident in a victim include:
* Malnutrition, dehydration or poor personal hygiene
* Sexually transmitted diseases
* Signs of rape or sexual abuse
* Bruising, broken bones, or other signs of untreated medical problems
* Critical illnesses including diabetes, cancer or heart disease
* Post-traumatic stress or psychological disorders
2. Other Important Signs:
In addition to some of the obvious physical and mental indicators of trafficking, there are other signs that an individual is being controlled by someone else. Red flags should go up for police or aid workers who notice any of the following during an intake. The individual:
* Does not hold his/her own identity or travel documents
* Suffers from verbal or psychological abuse designed to intimidate, degrade and frighten the individual
* Has a trafficker or pimp who controls all the money, victim will have very little or no pocket money
Questions to ask if you suspect you are in the presence of a trafficking victim
Screening Questions

1. Is the person free to leave the work site?
2. Is the person physically, sexually or psychologically abused?
3. Does the person have a passport or valid I.D. card and is he/she in possession of such documents?
4. What is the pay and conditions of employment?
5. Does the person live at home or at/near the work site?
6. How did the individual arrive to this destination if the suspected victim is a foreign national?
7. Has the person or a family member of this person been threatened?
8. Does the person fear that something bad will happen to him or her, or to a family member, if he/she leaves the job?
Anyone can report suspected trafficking cases. If the victim is under 18, U.S. professionals who work in law enforcement, health care, social care, mental health, and education are mandated to report such cases. Through a grass-roots community-wide effort and public awareness campaign, more professionals on the front line can readily identify the trafficking victim and have him/her treated accordingly.
This story was brought to my attention by Midnite Detective. NPR interviewed two girls who had been abducted and forced into prostitution.

Q and A: Painting / Recoloring Plastic

Silver Sentinel
PostSubject: Painting / Recoloring Plastic Sat Dec 12, 2009 12:24 pm
Does anyone have any suggestions on how best to paint over plastic? I have motocross armor, but I need to recolor the black plastic to silver. It also needs to resist chipping and rubbing off.
Silver Sentinel
PostSubject: Re: Painting / Recoloring Plastic Sat Dec 12, 2009 12:29 pm
As an embarrassing side note… When ordering armor, make sure you’re not conservative with the estimate of your actual size. It turns out I’m less like Hercules and more like Buddha, so now I’m walking the treadmill of justice so I can fit into my suit!
We can lie to ourselves, but never lie to your tailor.
PostSubject: Re: Painting / Recoloring Plastic Sat Dec 12, 2009 1:18 pm
Plasti-dip. Comes in a spray-paint version. Its basically a rubberized spray, is flexible when dried, so it will NEVER crack.
Don’t ever try to spray it on stainless steel, though. It’ll peel.
PostSubject: Re: Painting / Recoloring Plastic Sat Dec 12, 2009 1:20 pm
Actually, I just missed the black to silver thing… I’d say visit your local Home Depot and ask the guy there how to spray a plastic chair that is made to bow and flex. They’re usually pretty helpful, i’ve learned more from the guys at Home Depot than from the internet.
the visitor
PostSubject: Re: Painting / Recoloring Plastic
actually, the plasti-dip isnt a bad idea. It comes in a clear spray, so just spray paint the armor silver, then spray the whole thing with the clear plasti. It will keep the paint from chipping and/or rubbing off. Since it is a “rubber” spray itwill also make it water proof. Ive used the spray paint/plasti-dip idea for a latex costme piece for halloween nce and it worked great!
PostSubject: Re: Painting / Recoloring Plastic Sat Dec 12, 2009 2:54 pm
Ive never seen any store i’ve ever been to carry clear. Dude.
Silver Sentinel
PostSubject: Re: Painting / Recoloring Plastic Sat Dec 12, 2009 2:56 pm
Dang.. ask and ye shall receive!
Thanks guys Smile
I’m changing the primary focus points on my uniform to silver to help banish the ninja / dark avenger look and to help make myself more approachable. I don’t want to scare small children or anything.
Big Simon
PostSubject: Re: Painting / Recoloring Plastic Sat Dec 12, 2009 2:58 pm
Yeah, they have a “make your own color” kit that comes with a 22oz can of clear Plasti-Dip and five tints, so you can decide what color you want.
the visitor
PostSubject: Re: Painting / Recoloring Plastic Sat Dec 12, 2009 10:11 pm
just check around ebay and such. Thats where I found mine. It was a single spray can just like the colered ones you can get.

TASER® & Stun Gun Laws

Originally posted:
TASER® Guns are not considered firearms. They can be legally carried in most states. Below you’ll find a summery of the state laws concerning the possession and use of TASER® Guns.

State Police Use Consumer Use State Statute Restriction(s)
Alabama Legal Legal 13A-1-2 Dangerous instrument or deadly weapon definition
Alaska Legal Legal 11.81.900 Defensive weapon = electric stun gun not designed to cause death or serious physical injury •Under 18 and On school grounds if under 21 without permission from school prohibited (11.61.210)•Class C felony if carried when violating a protective order (11.61.200)
Arizona Legal Legal 13-105 Dangerous instrument or deadly weapon definition
Arkansas Legal Legal 5-1-102 Deadly weapon definition
California Legal Legal 244.5 Assault with a stun gun or TASER® device [stun gun and TASER® devices are different] Cannot possess TASER® device in state or local public building or public open meeting (171b (a) (5)) or in sterile area of airport (171.5)
Colorado Legal Legal 18-12-101 Stun gun = device capable of temporarily immobilizing a person by the infliction of an electrical charge; 18-12-106.5 Use of stun guns during crime Use of stun gun in commission of criminal offense is a Class 5 felony (18-12-106.5) 
Connecticut Legal Legal in home 53a-3 Electronic defense weapon = a weapon which by electric impulse or current is capable of immobilizing a person temporarily, but is not capable of inflicting death or serious physical injury. •Carrying of electronic defense weapon unless peace officer is punishable by fine of less than $500 or less than 3 years in prison or both (53-206);•Cannot have in vehicle (29-38);
•Criminal use of electronic defense weapon is Class D felony (53a-216);
•Criminal possession of electronic defense weapon is Class D felony (53a-217)
Delaware Legal Legal 222 Dangerous instrument or deadly weapon or firearm definition
District of Columbia Legal Prohibited unless can get firearm registration 7-2501.01 Destructive device = any device intended to stun or disable a person by means of electric shock •No person/organization may possess unless they hold a valid registration (7-2502.01)•No manufacturing of destructive device within District and dealer must have license (7-2504.01)
•LE and military permitted use
Florida Legal Legal with restrictions as to type 790.001 Electric weapon or device = through use of electrical current; intended for offensive or defensive purposes, destruction of life, or infliction of injury
Remote stun gun = nonlethal device with tethered range less than 16 feet
•Cannot carry electric weapon or device in concealed manner but can carry for self-defense purposes a nonlethal remote stun gun (790.01)•License to carry concealed electric weapon or device (790.06)
•Open carrying of weapons allowed for nonlethal electric weapons that do not fire a dart or projectile (790.053)
•Must be authorized to have on school ground or at school functions (790.115)
•Use by under 16 only with adult supervision; adult subject to penalty (790.22)
Georgia Legal Legal 16-11-106 For this section, the term “firearm” includes stun guns and tasers which are powered by electrical charging units such as batteries and emit an electrical charge in excess of 20,000 volts; capable of incapacitating a person by an electrical charge •Not expressly mentioned in concealed weapons statute (16-11-126)•Expressly mentioned to be prohibited from being carried in school safety zones, at school functions, or on school property (16-11-127.1)
Hawaii Legal Prohibited 134.1 Electric gun = any porTABLE device electrically operated to project a missile or electromotive force •Electric guns are not to be possessed, sold, given, or delivered except to law enforcement (134.16)•Unlawful possession of electric gun is a misdemeanor (134.17)
Idaho Legal Legal Use 18 USC 930 Dangerous weapon definition
Illinois Legal Legal in home 720 ILCS 5/24-1 Stun gun or TASER® device = any device powered by electrical charging units which fires barbs and upon hitting a human sends out a current disrupting normal functioning •Cannot carry/possess with unlawful intent or concealed unless at home or principal place of business – handgun license required. (Apply for a FOID card) (5/24-1)•More unlawful use limitations listed punishable at various levels (5/24-1)
•More aggravated unlawful use limitations listed punishable as Class 4 felony (5/24-1.6)
Indiana Legal Legal 35-41-1-8 Deadly weapon = TASER® device or electric stun weapon readily capable of causing serious bodily injury;  35-47-8-3 TASER® device = designed to emit electronic charge or shock through use of projectile and used to temporarily incapacitate a person •Electric stun weapons and tasers are subject to different laws than stun guns; tasers subject to requirement of handgun license (35-47-8-4)
Iowa Legal Legal 702.7 Dangerous weapon definition
Kansas Legal Legal 21-4201 Criminal use of weapons defined •Weapons as to schools includes electronic devices designed to discharge immobilizing levels of electricity aka stun gun (72-89a01)
Kentucky Legal Legal 500.080 Dangerous instrument and deadly weapon definition
Louisiana Legal Legal Title 14 §2 Dangerous weapon definition
Maine Legal Legal 17 AMRS §2 Dangerous weapon definition
Maryland Legal Legal 4-101 Dangerous weapon definition
Massachusetts ? Prohibited Ch. 140 § 131J Electrical weapons •No person shall sell or possess electrical weapons; punishable by fine between $500-1000 or 6mos-2yrs in prison or both
Michigan Legal Prohibited 750.224a PorTABLE device/weapon directing electrical current •Device capable of electro-muscular disruption must contain identification and tracking system that is traceable to the purchaser through the manufacturer•Permitted possession and use by a peace officer, employee of department of corrections authorized by director, local corrections officer authorized by county sheriff, probation officer, court officer, bail agent, license private investigator, or properly trained aircraft pilot or crew.
Minnesota Legal Legal 624.731 Electronic incapacitation devices = porTABLE device designed to temporarily immobilize or incapacitate persons by means of electric pulse or current •A person may use with reasonable force in defense of person or property•Device must be labeled with or accompanied by instructions as to its use and dangers
•Devices must be according to local licensing requirement
Mississippi Legal Legal 97-37-1 Deadly weapons definition
Missouri Legal Legal 556.061 Dangerous instrument and deadly weapon definitions
Montana Legal Legal 45-2-101 Weapon definition
Nebraska Legal Legal 28-109 Deadly weapon definition
Nevada Legal Legal 202.253 Firearm definition
New Hampshire Legal Legal 159:20 Electronic defense weapon = an electronically activated non-lethal device producing an electrical charge sufficient to immobilize or incapacitate a person temporarily •Felon possessing shall be guilty of Class B felony (159:21)•Sales are restricted to persons 18 and over (159:22)
•Use against a LE officer or another person with intent to commit a crime is punishable as a misdemeanor or felony (159:23)
New Jersey Prohibited Prohibited 2C:39-1 Weapon = Stun gun, emits an electrical charge or current intended to temporarily or permanently disable a person •Any person who knowingly has in his possession any stun gun is guilty of a crime of the 4th degree (2C:39-3
New Mexico Legal Legal 30-1-12 Deadly weapon definition
New York Legal Prohibited 265.00 Electronic dart gun = designed to momentarily stun, knock out or paralyze a person by passing an electrical shock by means of a dart or projectile;
Electric stun gun = designed to stun, cause mental disorientation, knock out or paralyze a person by passing a high voltage electrical shock
•Possession is a Class A misdemeanor (265.01)•Possession by person with any previous conviction is a Class D felony (265.02)
•Exemption for LE (265.20)
North Carolina Legal Legal No definition statute •Unlawful to carry stun gun in a concealed manner punishable as a Class 2 misdemeanor (14-269)•Stun guns allowed openly on educational property (14-269.2)
•Stun guns allowed to be carried openly by felons (14-415.1)
North Dakota Legal Legal 62.1-01-01 Dangerous weapon includes stun gun •Possession in liquor establishment or gaming site prohibited (62.1-02-04)•Other than LE, cannot carry in concealed manner (62.1-04-02)
•License to carry concealed dangerous weapon (62.1-04-03)
Ohio Legal Legal 2923.11 Deadly weapon definition
Oklahoma Legal Legal No definition statute •Use of electronic dart gun while committing felony shall be guilty of separate offense (1287)•Electric dart gun not listed in Unlawful Carry statute (1272)
Oregon Legal Legal 161.015 Physical force includes the use of an electrical stun gun •Reckless discharge of electrical stun gun against another person is a Class A misdemeanor•Knowing discharge of electrical stun gun against a LE officer, EMT… is a Class C felony
Pennsylvania Legal Legal 908 Offensive weapon = any stun gun, TASER® device or other electronic or electric weapon
908.1 Electronic incapacitation device
•Possession or use of electronic incapacitation device for unlawful purpose constitutes a 2nd degree felony with intent or 1st degree misdemeanor otherwise (908.1)•A person may use with reasonable force in defense of person or property (908.1)
•No person prohibited from possessing firearm may possess electronic incapacitation device (908.1)
Rhode Island ? Prohibited 11-47-42 Stun gun •No person shall carry or possess or attempt to use against another•No person shall carry concealed upon his person
•Punishable by fine less than $1,000 or imprisonment for less than 1 year or both and weapon shall be confiscated
South Carolina Legal Legal 16-23-10 Definitions of pistol and crime of violence
South Dakota Legal Legal 22-1-2 Stun gun = battery-powered, pulsed electrical device of high voltage or low/no amperage that can disrupt the central nervous system and cause temporary loss of person’s voluntary muscle control •Commission of felony while armed with stun gun is Class 5 felony (22-14-13.1)
Tennessee Legal Legal 39-11-106 Deadly weapon definition •Applicants for private security officer/guard registration who will carry stun gun must obtain certified training (62-35-118)
Texas Legal Legal 46.01 No applicable definition
Utah Legal Legal 76-10-501 Dangerous weapon definition
Vermont Legal Legal 4003/4016 Dangerous weapon definition
Virginia Legal Legal 18.2-308.1 Stun weapon = emits an electronic charge exceeding 5 milliamp 60 hertz shock and used for temporarily incapacitating a person
TASER® device = emits electronic charge or shock through use of projectile and used to temporarily incapacitate a person
•Possession or transportation of TASER® device by convicted felon is Class 6 felony (18.2-308.2)
Washington Legal Legal 9.41.250 Dangerous weapon definition
West Virginia Legal Legal 61-7-2 Deadly weapon definition
Wisconsin Legal Prohibited 941-295 Electric weapon = intended to be used and reasonably capable of producing death or serious bodily injury •Selling, transporting, manufacturing or going armed with electric weapon is a Class H felony•Not applicable to peace officers, military, and corrections personnel
Wyoming Legal Legal 6-1-104 Deadly weapon definition


DENSION / CRAWFORD COUNTY, IA (*According to Sheriff Tom Hogan*)
District of Columbia Law. DC Code Ann. Title 6, Chapter 23. Firearms Control. Subchapter I. General Provisions 6-2302.
(7) “Destructive device” means:
(B) “Any device by whatever name known which will, or is designed, or may be readily converted or restored, to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive or other propellant through a smooth bore barrel, except a shotgun.”
(D) Any device designed or redesigned, made or remade, or readily converted or restored, and intended to stun or disable a person by means of electric shock.
Subchapter II. Firearms and Destructive Devices. General Provision 6-2311. Registration requirements:
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, no person or organization in the District of Columbia (“District”) shall receive, possess, control, transfer, offer for sale, sell, give, or deliver any destructive device, and no person or organization in the District shall possess or control any firearm, unless that person or organization holds a valid registration certificate for the firearm.
Subchapter V. Sales and Transfer of Firearms, Destructive Devices, and Ammunition. General Provision 6-2351. Sales and transfers prohibited. No person or organization shall sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of any firearm, destructive device or ammunition in the District except as provided in *** 6-2352, or 6-2375.
SUMMARY: Possession and sales of Stunning Devices are banned in Washington, DC.
HAWAII: Illegal
Hawaii State Law. Rev. Stats. Title 10, Chapter 134. Firearms, Ammunition and Dangerous Weapons. Part 1. General Regulations. Chapter 134-1 Definitions.
“Electric gun” means any porTABLE device that is electrically operated to project a missile or electromotive force.
Chapter 134-16 Restriction on possession, sale, gift or delivery of electric guns.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person, including a licensed manufacturer, licensed importer or licensed dealer, to possess, offer for sale, hold for sale, sell, give, lend or deliver any electric gun.
(b) Any electric gun in violation of subsection (a) shall be confiscated and disposed of by the chief of police.
SUMMARY: Possession and sales of Stunning Devices are banned in Hawaii.
Massachusetts State Law. Ann. Laws of Massachusetts. Chapter 140. Sale of Firearms. Section 131J: Sale or possession of electrical weapons; penalties. Section 131J. No person shall sell, offer for sale or possess a porTABLE device or weapon from which an electric current, impulse, wave or beam may be directed, which current, impulse, wave or beam is designed to incapacitate temporarily, injure or kill. Whoever violates this provision of this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than five hundred nor more than one thousand dollars or by imprisonment for not less than six months nor more than two years in a jail or house of correction, or both.
SUMMARY: Possession and sales of Stunning Devices are banned in Massachusetts.
The Michigan Penal Code Act 328 of 1931. Chapter 750.224a PorTABLE device or weapon directing electrical current, impulse, wave, or beam; sale or possession prohibited; testing.
(1) A person shall not sell, offer for sale, or possess in this state a porTABLE device or weapon from which an electric current, impulse, wave or beam is designed to incapacitate temporarily, injure, or kill.
(3) A person who violates this section is guilty of a felony.
SUMMARY: Possession and sales of Stunning Devices are banned in Michigan.
New Jersey State Law. New Jersey Stat. Ann. Title 2C. New Jersey Code of Criminal Justice. Chapter 39-1. Prohibited weapons and devices.
(Section “r” summarized from Chapter 2C:39-1) “Weapon” means anything readily capable of lethal use or of inflicting serious bodily injury. The term includes, but is not limited to all (4) stun guns; and any weapon or (this section refers to tear gas and has been updated in 1995) other device which projects, releases, or emits tear gas or any other substance intended to produce temporary physical discomfort or permanent injury through being vaporized or otherwise dispensed in the air.
(t) “Stun gun” means any weapon or other device which emits an electrical charge or current intended to temporarily or permanently disable a person.
Senate, No. 2871 — L.1985, c. 360
Senate Bill No. 2781, as amended by the Senate Law, Public Safety and Defense Committee, prohibits as a crime of the fourth degree the possession of a stun gun by any person, including a law enforcement officer. A crime of the fourth degree carries a penalty of imprisonment for up to 18 months, a fine of up to $7,500, or both. Prior to being amended the bill classified possession of a crime in the third degree. {Editor’s Note: According to Len Lawson of NJ Legislative Council, (609) 292-4625) NJ does not classify crimes in felonies versus misdemeanors. The highest crimes are in first degree on down to fourth degree. A fourth degree penalty is a serious charge and is generally considered a misdemeanor in common terms. It is however an indicTABLE offense. A fourth degree crime does contain “a presumption of non-custodial sentencing,” meaning that there is not imprisonment if there are no prior convictions. In some cases the sentencing is obviated from one’s record if there is a period of good behavior following the charge.}
The committee amended the bill to include a provision authorizing the Attorney General, at his discretion, to exempt law enforcement officers from the prohibition against possession stun guns.
The bill also was amended by the committee to include stun guns in the definition of “weapon” in paragraph r. N.J.S. 2C:39-1.
(Chapter 2C:39-1)
(h) Stun guns. Any person who knowingly has in his possession any stun gun is guilty of a crime in the fourth degree.
SUMMARY: Possession is banned of Stunning Devices in New Jersey.
NEW YORK: Illegal
New York Consolidated Law (McKinney’s) Book 39. Penal Law.
Article 265. Firearms and Other Dangerous Weapons 265.00
15-a. “Electronic dart gun” means any device designed primarily as a weapon, the purpose of which is to momentarily stun, knock out or paralyze a person by passing an electrical shock to such person by means of a dart or projectile.
15-c. “Electronic stun gun” means any device designed primarily as a weapon, the purpose of which is to momentarily stun, cause mental disorientation, knock out or paralyze a person by passing a high voltage electrical shock to such person.
Article 265.01 Criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree. A person is guilty of criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree when: (1) He possesses any firearm, electronic dart gun, electronic stun gun ***; or ***
SUMMARY: Possession is banned of Stunning Devices in New York.
General Laws of Rhode Island. Title 11, Chapter 47. Statute Subsection 11-47-42. Weapons other than firearms prohibited. – (A) No person shall carry or possess or attempt to use against another, any instrument or weapon of the kind commonly known as a *** stun gun ***. Any person violating the provisions of this subsection, shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500), or by imprisonment for not more than one (1) year, or both such fine and imprisonment, and the weapon so found shall be confiscated.
SUMMARY: Possession and use of Stunning Devices are banned.
Wisconsin Sta. Ann. Chapter 939. Crimes – General Provisions. Chapter 939.22 Words and phrases defined. (10) Dangerous weapon” means any firearm, whether loaded or unloaded ***; any device designed as a weapon and capable of producing great harm ***; any electric weapon, as defined in s. 941.295(4); or any other device or instrumentality which, in the manner it is used or intended to be used, is calculated or likely to produce death or great bodily harm.
Chapter 941.295 Possession of electric weapon. Subsection (1) On or after July 1, 1982, whoever sells, transports, manufactures, possesses or goes armed with any electric weapon is guilty of a Class E felony. Subsection (4) In this section, “electric weapon” means any device which is designed, redesigned, used or intended to be used, offensively or defensively, to immobilize or incapacitate persons by the use electric current.
SUMMARY: Possession and sales of Stunning Devices are banned.
CHICAGO: Illegal
Publisher’s Note: The following jurisdictions require waiting periods or notifications to law enforcement officials before weapons may be delivered to purchasers:
Chicago – application approval/denial for:
(1) Registration : 120 days
(2) Re-registration: e.g., by an heir, 365 days)
SUMMARY: Possession and sales of Stunning Devices are banned in Chicago. (More information required on City of Chicago Ordinance)
BALTIMORE: Illegal (Including Baltimore County)
Baltimore City Code 115. Stun guns and similar devices. (e) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to sell, give away, lend, rent or transfer to any individual, firm or corporation a stun gun or other electronic device by whatever name or description which discharges a non-projectile electric current within the limits of the City of Baltimore. It further shall be unlawful for any person to possess, fire or discharge any such stun gun or electronic device within the City. Nothing in this subsection shall be held to apply to any member of the Baltimore City Police Department or any other law enforcement officer while in the performance of his or her official duty (Ord. 385. 1985).
Sec. 8.404. Sale or possession of electronic weapons prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to sell, give away, lend, rent or transfer to any individual, firm or corporation an electronic weapon within the limits of Howard County. It further shall be unlawful for any person to possess, fire, discharge or activate any electronic weapon within the limits of Howard County. (C.B. 38 1985).
Philadelphia City Ordinance. Statute 10-825 Stun Guns. (1) Definitions. (a) Stun Gun. Any device which expels or projects a projectile which, upon coming in contact with a person, is capable of inflicting injury or an electric shock to such person. (2) Prohibited conduct. Nor person shall own, use, possess, sell or otherwise transfer any “stun gun.” (3) Penalty. Any person violating any provision of this section shall be subject to a fine or not more than three hundred (300) dollars and /or imprisonment for not more than ninety (90 days.)
Administrative Code of the City of New York 10-135 Prohibition on sale and possession of electronic stun guns.
a. As used in this section, “electronic stun gun” shall mean any device designed primarily as a weapon, the purpose of which is to stun, render unconscious or paralyze a person by passing an electronic shock to such person, but shall not include an “electronic dart gun” as such term is defined in section 265.00 of the penal law.
b. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or offer for sale or to have in his or her possession within the jurisdiction of the city any electronic gun.
c. Violation of this section shall be a class A misdemeanor. [Exemptions under this section are provided for police officers operating under regular department procedures or guidelines and for manufacturers of electronic stun guns scheduled for bulk shipment. NOTE: The electronic stun gun is not a “firearm” under the Federal Gun Control Act of 1968 because it does not “…expel a projectile by the action of an explosive…”]
SUMMARY: Possession and sales of Stunning Devices are banned in New York City

On Surveillance

By the Major
In any patrol, there are two basic attitudes that you can assume: “Fangs Out” and “Low and Slow”:
1. “Fangs Out” is where you are openly patrolling, using your own presence to deter would-be mischief.
2. “Low and Slow” is where you are observing the small fish to get them to lead you to the bigger fish.
In Type 2 ops, the night is your friend. You should be carrying some kind of recording equipment (see above). Stay as close to the maximum range of your equipment as possible. If you are blown (i.e., seen) – GET OUT! Do NOT dawdle! You are way out manned, and way out-gunned.
Contact your local police department, and get a number to their Internal Affairs division. This is absolutely vital, whether you are friends with your local department or not, because you may see some pretty wild stuff involving officers. The key thing to remember is that you do not know what operations your local PD’s undercover unit is running, and you may be inadvertently taping/recording an undercover op in progress. IA is always your best bet, since they will be able to identify any officers immediately.
The other reason is that, unfortunately, you will occasionally run into the proverbial “bad apple” cop on the take. These clowns are more dangerous to the public than any pack of Columbian drug lords, but the best way to bury them is to hand your details to IA – don’t think that you can take them down yourself, alone or in a group.
On general criminals and gang-bangers, get photo’s/recordings of course, and very definitely do not try to “get in their face”, even if you are in a large group. The reason for this should be obvious: gangs and general criminals are usually well-armed, and not afraid to use their weapons on you, and the local PD will take a dim view of you trying to break heads without them being on the scene.
On that note, be prepared to be detained – and possibly arrested for assault – if you and/or your group get into a throw-down…Life’s hard – deal.
On gangs specifically, contact your local PD’s gang task force, let them know who you are and what you are doing, and ask them if they can “loan” you a guide/directory of local gang tags (assuming that you do not know these yourself). That will help you identify specific gang turf, and help you predict potential gang-wars, since the first step is usually “tagging over” a rival gang’s sign-work.
Once you have started building up a database of video files and patrol reports, you’ll need to collate them into a usable format. I’ll start working on a sample form for dissemination after New Year’s. If you do not have MS Office (for Excel), try to download a free office-type suite. Open Office also contains a built-in .pdf-print function, so there are no worries in sharing data via email.
On video’s, be VERY careful about posting actual incident vids on something like MySpace or YouTube, as you can potentially blow prosecutions with “interpretable” videos that can be construed as “polluting the jury pool”. Having DA’s ticked-off at your for blowing a 5-year investigation does not help the cause.
Finally, here are a few links that people find useful: and : These two are good third party agencies to report white-supremacist activities to, as these groups are usually trying to coordinate their operations. Unfortunately, these groups also tend towards tunnel-vision when it comes to racist groups — there are plenty of hyper-violent non-white racist groups out there, but these two groups don’t generally go after those groups with the same vigor.
Although I will not post the links here, you may consider “ghosting” on one of the many racist webboards out there, as they are arguably a greater threat to public safety than conventional gangs. – A real-time tracker of safety and crime/terror incidents; has links to forest fires and HAZMAT issues – A tracker of terrorist groups and organizations – Probably the most comprehensive database on terrorist groups on the web.
Hope this helps.
The Major
P.S. These hardware items apply to remote surveillance.
Try this:
and this:
Recording everything leaves nothing to chance…Although you might try finding a crusading-reporter-type to feed your info to.

Hero Tips

Here are some helpful suggestions from superheroes that show how everyone can make a difference in their communities. You do not need a mask or cape to make an impact, just a desire to make a difference.
? Cleaning up litter or organizing clean up events
? Volunteer at your local libraries
? Volunteer at a nursing home
? Organize a blanket and clothing drive for local shelters
? Help find missing persons by flyering and asking questions
? Give out sandwiches, blankets or other emergency items to the homeless
? Donating blood
? Be a volunteer firefighter, police officer, EMT or any other civil service programs
? Participate in pre-organized charitable events
? Collect canned food for your local food bank
? Collect money for a charity of your choice
? Collect toys for children
? Contact your local board of education and participate in drug prevention
? Become a big brother/big sister
? Do minor things for people to generally improve their day, such as helping to carry heavy loads, helping ladies across the street, buying people who work outside coffee on a cold day, etc.
? Handout, post and/or e-mail wanted posters of known criminals
? Join your local neighborhood watch group