Grim and I Break Up A Fight (with video)

Grim is the newest recruit to the XJL, he only started patrolling with us last saturday, he says that he has been doing this off and on for a while now, in his words: “he’s done it a coupla times” on the east coast. but he has decided to join our ranks. He wears blue, which is great variety in the XJL color scheme, which is red, green, and a lot of brown and black. Anyway, he joined me for the gaslamp patrol (as I always get there before anyone else) so I explained to him a few of the things we do on gas lamp patrols, and what to expect. Sure enough, we come across a situation. Down the street we see a guy down on the ground and a bunch of people surrounding him. I’m not sure what is going on, so I switch on my shoulder cam to record anything that may or may not go on. I’ve been mentally training myself to do this as I always forget to do when entering a situation, defeating the whole purpose of the camera! below is the video I recorded of the situation we encountered:
We continued about our way after I shut the camera off. I approached an officer around the block and told him about what had happened. he said he’d heard about it, and we went on our way.
continuing to walk down fifth ave. where all the clubs are, we saw a fire engine going down the street, they announced from their PA system: ‘URBAN AVENGER!” I gave them a big wave and kept on walking.
I think that has to be the single coolest thing I’ve ever encountered on patrol. Being given a personal shout out on PA system. Later on after everyone else showed up and the patrol was starting coming to an end, we came across a bicycle cop who thanked us for breaking up the fight earlier, and that they appreciated what we did, and to keep up the good work. props from a cop, that was awesome.
the entire patrol went really well, aside from those two instances it was a pretty standard patrol. Grim has quickly proven himself a valuable asset to the team and the XJL is very fortunate to have him with us. He proved himself quickly as calm and collected in a hairy situation, and came out on top.