Hope D.O.A.

When hope dies, everything is downhill from there.
I know about what I call ” Hope DOA ” from lengthy personal experience.  As a dreamer there are years when negative feedback often is the only external feedback some dreams get. My real life superhero (RLSH ) role in these scenarios isn’t handing out rose colored glasses. Far from it!
My role as a creative concerned citizen is offering as many tools; tips and ( when needed ) taunts to get someone fired up enough to become his/her own champion!
Combating Hope DOA isn’t about marketing how great I am. Beating this challenge revolves around how great the other person is- especially when all evidence screams to the contrary. The distance between who you want to be and your present condition can be decades long. I try to add a little momentum to someone’s self-development process. The Superhero Solution* ( *RLSH.org article by the same title ) tells us individuals are greater than low expectations and popular opinions about what is possible.
Promoting the Superhero Solution places each of us above Hope DOA. The liberated person seen in our minds eye awaits actual experience to finally become real. Staying consistent hastens the process but still doesn’t guarantee ease.
Hope D.O.A. is the tombstone our thoughts either build or demolish. I just try to help you push yours further off your mind. By the way, I’m far from an endless fountain of bubbly hope and joy. I just keep on dreaming forward until my dreams ( EVENTUALLY! ) come true.
Hope D.O.A. is one of the worst real life supervillains out there.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT. BLACK is a super rights activist promoting crime prevention and self-development via the Superhero Solution and other methods. http://www.captblack.info