Crimefighting For Purpose Or Profit?

One phase of my stealth ” real life superhero ( RLSH ) ” activities before the Movement was keeping tabs on suspects and/or declared fugitives. Information gathered was forwarded to the appropriate agency. As a dutiful bounty hunter earning rewards drove this alongside civic duty. I’m not opposed to catching criminals for pay; law enforcement does it every day. Opponents of bounty hunting should be able to magically make policing pro bono and watch officers surge to resign!
RLSH normally don’t fight crime for profit. Many feel it’s anathema to the Movement’s overall altruism. Others reply any monies accepted should be used to fund homeless outreach or equipment needs. Real life superheroes, overtly or covertly, have access to information police would find interesting. As a RLSH whose background includes bounty hunting and security consulting I’ve made a living from what we usually do for free. Reconciling the two is easy, because I genuinely enjoy contributing to public safety. The bulk of my efforts, stealth and openly RLSH, is freely given.
Deciding whether crime fighting should become a revenue stream is a personal choice. I fight crime for a purpose: to help people help themselves become safer and alternately, persuading criminals to become their higher selves. Self-development is an even more effective crime fighting strategy than patrolling and even RLSH-inspired community coalitions ( RICCs ). The worst crime in my ” Crime ISN’T A Civil Right! ” conversations and presentation is working against being your better self. That’s what drives my activities past, present and future.
Money’s nice, but the above reasons are reward enough for me and real life superheroes generally. We fight crime for a higher purpose not merely for profit!
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT. BLACK promotes crime prevention and self-development. (912) 272-2898 and