Meet The Viper: He’s a Real-Life Superhero

viperOriginally posted:
By Tim Reeves
Any self-respecting comic book superhero fan has, at some point, dreamt of donning a costume (preferably spandex), pulling on a mask and hitting the streets to deliver some some real life vigilantism (complete with wisecracks, obviously). The recent movie Kick-Ass addressed this scenario and worked on the assumption that once someone started a crime-fighting career, others would surely follow.
Well, in a case of life imitating art, a 20-year-old student in the US (where else?) has decided that enough is enough and he’s taking on the criminals of Columbia… in a green and black suit.
Chemistry and Art major, Christian Tyler Hardee, has been apprehended by the local police force prowling the streets, looking for crime to bash up. Sounds pretty exciting. To top it all off he’s also changed his name – not to Super Chris or anything rubbish like that. No, at night Chris becomes… The Viper. Brilliant.
According to the Columbia Daily Herald, The Viper was stopped around 12.30am the other night in his costume. He was wearing a utility belt (containing a screwdriver and mobile phone) and two plastic sticks. Upon searching his car, officers found ninja throwing stars – can this guy be any better prepared?
Thankfully for the citizens of Columbia, the police didn’t arrest him but left him off with a warning (even though, apparently, it’s illegal to wear a mask in that city). As The Viper later told the paper: “I’m just a guy trying to do what’s right in tights.” Well done, that man.
Watch the news report about The Viper below:

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Real-Life Costumed Do-Gooders Do Good

(May 11)– You’d probably expect me to rip on real-life people who don spandex and head out into their fair cities to help the citizenry and fight crime.
After all, to norms, these people are nothing more than carbon copies of the Star Wars Kid, flipping a broom handle around like it’s a light saber.
Members of the group Superheroes Anonymous
But no. I actually think these guys are cool as hell. They’re doing precisely what I wish I could have done as a teenager, and what I wish I had the courage to do today.
Sure, their heroism isn’t quite up to the vigilante standards of Batman or the Punisher, but hell, helping bring awareness to hunger and homelessness, and cutting off annoying parking predators’ wheel boots, scores them an “A” in my book.
You go, heroes.
-Joe Peacock-

Shriners Hospital for Children

Today I got a call from a fellow RLSH, The Swamp Viper. His kid was born with one leg shorter than the other. No sooner did he have 4 operations to fix it then he fell & broke it.  
So I went to the Shriner’s Hospital in tampa today to bring his Kid some toys & stickers & walk around & say hey to the other kids.
I ended up trying to get a little toddler girl with two new fiberglass legs to walk a few steps to me by bribing her with a sticker. She made it.    I was able to clap & say hooray instead of cry, that was a superfeat in itself.
I feel like I really made a difference today.
Pics coming soon.

Get a personal visit from Citizen Prime!

Citizen_Prime_TD_VisitIf you can give a gift to a child, I want to shake your hand!

That’s right, this year’s Annual Toy Drop has a special twist to it. If you donate even a single toy befor December 10th, Citizen Prime will come out and pick up the toy personally in full dress uniform!
And remember, every donation goes to benefit the Phoenix Children’s Hospital kids.
(Phoenix or surrounding areas only, folks)




By Noble
As a hero, being adept in acrobatics and gymnastics could mean the difference between life and death. Knowing how to hit the ground properly and quickly roll back up, how to spin away from a thrown projectile or even how dive for cover properly are only a few of many different uses being familiar with acrobatics would have for any hero. For some, such as myself, acrobatics can acctually be incorporated into your style of crime-fighting, similar to Tim Drake of DC, the Acrobat of Marvel, and certain aspects of the infamous Spider-man of Marvel. Of course, no one expects you to be able to go out and backflip your self out of harm’s way flawlessly every time, that’s unlikely and impractical. However, in this quick acrobatic tutorial, I’ll do my best to assure that you can learn as much as you feel able to.
*Noble’s note*
Personally, I’m a trained acrobat who has been performing for a few years now, so all of these techniques I have acctually done, over and over. However, you may not have been. Because of this, I thought it best to rate the techniques between one and five, based on their individual difficulty. I suggest you start off with the lower-level techniques if you feel unsure about the mid- and high-level ones.
*Noble’s note*
I also recommend you start training in these techniques in a light gym outfit, then work your way up to gradually wearing your hero outfit. You armored heroes might have a hard time with some of these.
*Noble’s note*
The entire description of the move and the steps are not necessary for you to learn the technique, but will help with your understanding. If you want just the ‘quick-and-dirty’ version of each move, where I say it plain and simple, read the breakdown of each technique.
‘proper’ summersault, dive-roll, cartwheel, shoulder-roll.
1. Proper Summersault: Rating: 1/5
Now, most of us have been doing summersaults since we were young, so we all should understand how a summersault works. You put your hands on the ground in front of you, crouch, jump up and roll. Sounds fine and dandy, in a grass patch maybe, but on a cement surface, trying one just like that will probably hurt. A ‘proper’ summersault is done much more gymnastically, so that it can be done on hard surfaces like ashphalt painlessly. Technically speaking, a summersault starts with both feet on the ground. A jump into a summersault is considered a dive-roll, and will be the next thing I explain.
To do a proper, hero-friendly and painless summersault, fallow these steps:
1. Look where you’re saulting. Quickly glance to where you intend to roll and make sure there isn’t anything that will hurt to roll on in the area you’ll be, well, rolling on. Obviously, things like broken glass, sharp rocks and branches will hurt, so try to avoid them, or consider dive-rolling over them.
2. Position yourself. Again, quickly. You may not have a lot of time to do this, although odds are you’re dive-rolling, which is much more useful, but you never know. The feet forward, hands down approach you learned as a kid will work, but you need to know this if you don’t want pain while rolling on a hard surface: tuck your chin. Honestly, try and look as closely at your belly button as possible. This keeps your head tucked in nicely, and curves your neck and spine properly, adding a smooth roll to your summersault while remouving pain, as well as giving you a bit of intertia to spring back up.
3. Hands on the ground. Keeping your feet facing the direction you’re going to roll, but not necessarily together, put your hands on the ground in front of you, placed in the same way as if you were doing a pushup, or at the starting line for a sprinting race. This requires that you bend your knees and get low to the ground, but in which ever way is most comfortable to you. The knees may be bent completely and the legs spread, very also Spider-man like, or may be tucked in tight to the body, in a Robin style. Personally, I find it easier if I keep myself on the toes of my feet instead of flat-footed.
4. Roll. Roll by either curling in from your shoulders, leaning your weight forward to tilt you off the balance you have, or lifting off with your legs in a small hop. It depends entirely on your body type. If you are long-legged, curling inwards into a ball and leaning forward will not get you anywhere, whereas if you are upper-body oriented, lifting off with your legs will just send you flat on your back, knocking the wind out of you.
Breakdown: Feet pointing towards the direction you’re rolling, hands on the ground like a push-up, knees bent, tip-toed, chin tucked, back arched, lean forward/kick off, roll, stand back up.
Uses: Personally, I’m not sure if a summersault would serve much good on it’s own, but it could be used as a quick dodge/evade, and knowing how to arch your back and roll properly, as taught by the summersault, is necessary if you want to learn more useful techniques, like the dive-roll and shoulder roll.
2. The dive-roll: Rating: 2.5/5.
The dive roll is probably the single most useful acrobatic skill to learn as a hero, as it can be useful in dozens of situations. A dive-roll can get you behind cover, away from harm, into the right position or over an obstacle/threat quickly and efficiently, when properly done. Through practice, you can eventually jump farther and higher before the actual roll itself, maximising it’s efficiency. The highest jump I’ve ever seen is litterally over another man’s head, where as mine is currently 5 feet up at most. I recommend you learn the proper technique to a summersault before you attempt this one, since you’re going to need to know how to roll on your back properly to avoid pain, especially considering you’re jumping and diving into this one.
1. Learn your Aim. The aiming of the dive-roll is crucial. You don’t want to dive in an attempt to roll at point A and acctually end up launching and landing flat on your back at point B, rolling haphazardly to point C, then coughing up a lung at point D before puking blood at point E. To learn your aim, keep both feet together and hop as far forward as you can, then crouch down into the summersault position. Now, stand up, and look back to where you jumped from. The distance from point A to where you currently are is your aim. The place where your hands where once you were crouched into summersault position is your exact landing point. Of course, make sure you aren’t aiming at a pile of broken glass, used needles, ravenous badgers and angsty sex-starved spike-covered goths. That would not be a happy landing. Trust me.
*Noble’s note*
Okay, so there weren’t any glass, needles or badgers, but I did accidently fly into a couple of angsty goths in the process of make-out-walking once when they rounded a street corner suddenly.
2. The Dive. To do a dive roll, what you want to do is basically dive forward with your hands out stretched in front of you, palms flat, as if you wanted to land into a handstand. The rolling aspect comes right away after this step, so unless you can just dive into a handstand, I don’t recommend you practice this step without fallowing through with the next one.
3. Rolling. As mentioned above, this step comes instantly after the dive. Step-by-step, this is what you do: Once you the ground, tuck your legs in and assume the summersault position. Then, and by then, I mean a split second after, let your self fall down and forward into the roll, fallowing through in the exact same way as if you were just doing a summersault, and before you know it, the momentum from the roll will have you back on your feet at point B, a good couple feet away from point A.
4. Absorbing the impact. Because you are doing a summersault at the point of impact, all of the force from your dive is transferred into the momentum of the roll, and if you fallow the guide of the summersault above to the letter, you will feel no pain at all when executing this move, wether it be on carpet, linoleum or a street. just remember to tuck your head in, by either putting your chin as close to your chest as possible, or trying to get your eyes as close to your stomach as possible. This arches your back properly, and gives you the right roll to avoid pain and injury.
5. Breakdown. Dive, extend arms, touch ground, curve spine, roll, stand.
6. Uses. The dive roll is a very useful technique, helping you avoid obstacles or injury by getting yourself up and away from the source of the problem, then launching you forward with momemtum after the roll, which you could use for either an intertia-enhanced punch, a simple evasion or even the means for a quick escape. With practice, you can get your dive-rolls farther and higher, giving you more options when using it.
3. The cartwheel. Rating: 1/5
Not so useful on its on, the cartwheel acctually is more of a necessary requirement before you move on to the roundoff, which you MUST have before other more intense techniques, such as backhandsprings, backflips, arabians, etc. That’s honestly the only reason the cartwheel is here at all. Without knowing the proper basic techniques, you can’t hope to move up to the intense skills. I kinda hope you all know how to cartwheel already, cause if you don’t, you had a very dull childhood.
1. Positioning, The cartwheel position isn’t hard. Stand still, and look forward. Of course, once you know what you’re doing, you don’t need to be standing still at all, you could be running, or falling, or whatever. But if you don’t know what you’re doing, you’re reading this tutorial.
2. Step one. To do a cartwheel, first, lift up which ever foot is your lead foot (If you’re right handed, it’s your right foot, and vice versa). As you do this, lift your lead arm straight up into the air, and hold your other arm straight out behind you. This should turn your upper body slightly, lining your shoulders up with your foot
3. The swing. To begin the cartwheel, step down with your lead foot. The harder and faster you step down has an effect on how fast you will cartwheel, as well as how far you will go. As you step down, however, you need to swing your arms with the movement. The lead arm, which should still be upright, is swung down, while the back arm is swung up. The back leg is also swung up as the same time as the back arm, which helps you generate your momentum.
4. The transfer. This is the defining moment of a cartwheel, it determines wether you cartwheel or bail onto your face. Swing the now up-raised front arm down, and put the hand on the ground, fingers point in the same direction as which ever hand you plant first (i.e, fingers facing left for left handers, right for right handers). Now, push up and kick off with your back foot, transfering your weight from your foot to your hand. Your wight is oging to shift forward, so plant your other hand wherever your weight takes you (this varies on body type, as well as hieght). Your body should still continue to wheel forward, so remove your back hand from the ground at this point, and your feet should land on the ground in a line with your hands at this point.
5. Uses. None, in practical thinking, none. Honestly. “Don’t shoot me, I’m going to cart wheel away! Ahhh!” Yeah, don’t think so. The only reason I have it here is cause you need to know it to do a round-off.
4. The shoulder roll: Rating: 2/5
As useful as the dive-roll in just as many situations, the shoulder roll can acctually help you roll over a car that is attempting to run you down.
*Noble’s note*
…Practice the move on a floor or ground patch somewhere before you start jumping at cars…

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How to Describe a Suspect To The Police

How to Describe a Suspect To The Police

To capture a criminal in these highly mobile times, it is of utmost importance for the police to promptly obtain an accurate description. Following are some of the most important identifiers the police need to apprehend criminal suspects. Keep this information in mind so that you can give the police an accurate description of any criminal or criminal incident you may observe.
Location information is critical:
Observe where you are and the exact location of the crime. Try to remember if you have ever seen the suspect in the area before.
Note the time as precisely as possible.
Observe if the suspect is carrying a weapon and, if so, what type-revolver, handgun, shotgun, knife, etc.
If the suspect leaves the scene, note the direction of flight.
If the suspect is in a vehicle, note as much of the following information as possible: vehicle type (auto, truck, van, etc.); color; make and model; condition (dirty, damaged, etc.); and license plate numbers.
Note also if the vehicle has no license plates or a “license applied for” sticker in the rear windshield.
Watch for decoys or accomplices.

a variety of general description information about the suspect should be noted:
Race or national origin
Age (estimated)
Height-use comparisons with your own height, a door, or some other standard measure
Weight (estimated)
Build-fat, husky, slim, muscular, etc.

Facial information is also important:
Hair-note the color, texture, hairline, style; also possible dyes or wigs
Forehead-note forehead height, and whether the skin is smooth, creased or wrinkled
Eyes-note the color, shape (round, slanted), whether clear or bloodshot, and the heaviness of eyelashes and eyebrows
Nose-overall shape (long, wide, flat, etc.) and nostrils (wide, narrow, flared) are important
Cheeks-is the flesh sunken, filled out, dried or oily? are there wrinkles around nose or mouth? are cheek bones high or low, wide or narrow?
Ears-note size and prominence (protruding or flat against head)
Mouth-are lips thin, medium, full? do corners turn up, turn down, or level?
Chin-what is the shape (round, oval, pointed, square)? double chin, dimpled, cleft?
Neck-note protruding Adam’s apple or hanging jowls
Complexion-note pores, pockmarks, acne, razor rash, bumps
Facial hair-clean shaven? unshaven? beard, mustache, goatee, sideburns?
Tattoos-shape and style; on what part of the body

Clothing information is also very important:
Hat-note color, style, ornaments, how it is worn (bill forward, backward, to one side)
Coat-note color and style (suit coat, jacket, topcoat, overcoat)
Shirt/Blouse/Dress-note color, design, sleeves, collar
Trousers/Slacks/Skirt-note color, style, cuffs
Socks-note color, pattern, length
Shoes-note color, style, brand name for sneakers (if possible), condition
Accessories-sweater, scarf, gloves, necktie
Jewelry-rings, watches, bracelets, necklaces
General appearance-neat or sloppy? clean or dirty?
Oddities-look for clothing too large or too small; odd colors; patchwork

Look for other physical features or peculiarities:
Voice-pitch, tone, rasp, lisp
Speech-articulate, uneducated, accent, use of slang
Gait-slow, fast, limp
You will never be able to remember all of these details about any one suspect you may see. But remembering as many as possible can be particularly helpful to the police and to your community.

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My Evolution

I myself am finding less and less “need” to work in my costume, even as dangerous as it can be to do what I do. For one thing, I don’t drive. Therefore looking inconspicuous comes in handy more often than not when gettin to the site. For more “high profile” fuzzy wuzzy occasions (I almost threw up when I typed that.) I have devised a secondary mask that’s a little more colorful; pics comin soon. One more of many to come >:D

Workin On New Patrol Uniform

Well since it’s been a while since I’ve been out on patrol in any kind of costume, I started a new one from scratch. I got a lotta ideas in my head…I’ll post pics when I get some real progress goin with that.
Meanwhile my regular clandestine activities will continue. A lot of which I’m loathe to speak about much over somethin like Myspace and for good reason. The people I deal with ain’t what you would call model citizens. My “Secret Identity” has to do a lot of the “dirty work”. The police can only do so much unless you give them somethin in a lot of cases in the neighborhoods I’ve lived in. So at least I got SOME “help”…it’s like washin dishes and takin out the trash. SOMEbodys gotta do it *shrug*
The higher the risk, the more careful I gotta be of course. You pick your battles ya know? >:D