Thugs Beat Up Real-Life 'Superhero'

Originally posted:
Life imitates Kick-Ass in Seattle

By Rob Quinn,  Newser Staff

(Newser) – Self-proclaimed superhero Phoenix Jones could have used some superpowers, or at least some tools from Batman’s arsenal, over the weekend. The costumed vigilante, who patrols the streets of Seattle several times a week, had his nose broken and was threatened at gunpoint after he tried to break up a fight, the Telegraph reports.
Jones—leader of the real-life “Rain City Superheroes” group that also includes Buster Doe, Thorn, Green Reaper, Gemini, No Name, Catastrophe, Thunder 88 and Penelope—says the attack was no big deal, but police say that he and his fellow masked vigilantes should call 911 instead of taking on criminals. “They insert themselves into a potentially volatile situation and then they end up being victimized as well,” a police spokesman tells KOMO News.

The real-life Kick Ass character: Self-styled superhero 'Phoenix Jones' chases off would-be car thief

Originally posted:
. . . and the bullet-proof crimebuster isn’t alone – there are NINE of them patrolling streets!
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 3:29 PM on 6th January 2011
Residents of Lynnwood in Washington can sleep safely in their beds, knowing that their streets are being protected by… Phoenix Jones.
The city, just north of Seattle, is part of the patrolling zone of a self-styled superhero who roams the streets in search of injustice.
In a real-life version of the 2010 film Kick-Ass – where a mild-mannered school student transforms himself into a masked crusader – Phoenix Jones has taken the law into his own gloved hands and is spending his time cleaning up the suburban streets.
Rumours of the costumed crimefighter – and others like him – began to surface as residents spoke of unconfirmed sightings around the streets.
Then a Lynwood local, who only wanted to be identified as Dan, had a first-hand meeting.
Dan said he was returning to a parking lot on Sunday evening when he spotted a ‘bad guy’ trying to break in to his car with a piece of metal.
Dan said: ‘He started sticking it down between the window and the rubber strip.’
Dan said he started dialling 911 but – before he could even finish dialling the three-digit number – help arrived in the most unlikely form.
He said: ‘This guy comes dashing in, wearing this skin-tight rubber, black and gold suit, and starts chasing him away.’
Dan admitted that he had not heard of the strange avenger working Lynnwood’s streets, and also admitted that he didn’t want to report the sighting because his friends told him he must have been drunk.
But he is not the only one to have seen a real-life superhero – the comic-book vigilantes are known to police.
A Seattle Police Department spokesman confirmed that there is a band of do-gooders who are known as the Rain City Superhero Movement, and have identified at least nine members.
Phoenix Jones, who came to Dan’s aid, is just one member of the group. He is joined by – believe it or not – Thorn, Buster Doe, Green Reaper, Gemini, No Name, Catastrophe, Thunder 88 and Penelope.
In what could turn out to be the rise of the obligatory comic-book super villain, police have been told by the group to disregard Captain Ozone or Knight Owl – because they are not part of the movement.
And don’t get your hopes up about the gadget-bristling Jonesmobile either.
Police say Phoenix is driven around in a Kia – by a female sidekick who doesn’t get out of the vehicle.
Local KIRO 7 TV reporter Monique Ming Laven met Phoenix Jones, and there’s more to the anonymous crimefighter than just a snazzy pair of tights.
His suit incorporates a bulletproof vest, trauma plating on his arms and legs and other sensitive areas.
His utility belt, to borrow a phrase from fellow crimefighter Batman, includes a Taser, Mace and tear gas.
Phoenix said: ‘“When I walk into a neighbourhood, criminals leave because they see the suit.
‘I symbolize that the average person doesn’t have to walk around and see bad things and do nothing.’
Phoenix said since he started his crime-fighting crusade nine months ago, he’s been stabbed, and had a gun pulled on him a few times, but received no serious injuries.
Police department spokesman Jeff Kappel said: ‘There’s nothing wrong with citizens getting involved with the criminal justice process – as long as they follow it all the way through.
He said police would prefer that people call 911 and be good witnesses, rather than getting involved personally and risk injury or death.
Phoenix Jones agreed, saying that crimefighting wasn’t for the weak-hearted.
He said: ‘I don’t condone people walking around on the street with masks. Everyone on my team either has a military background or a mixed martial arts background, and we’re well aware of what its costs to do what we do.’

EE.UU. duerme en paz mientras los superhéroes enmascarados combaten el crimen

Originally posted:{a303bc63-5bfb-4e15-8169-ed8033083040}#
Medios de Seattle han reportado sobre un grupo de hombres, los Rain City Superhero Movement, que patrulla las calles de la ciudad durante la noche. No son los únicos en ese país.
GASPAR RAMÍREZ Phoenix Jones es un hombre negro de edad indefinida que maneja un sucio Kia blanco por las calles de Seattle. No se sabe cómo se gana la vida, tiene al menos un hijo, usa máscara, traje a prueba de balas, por las noches combate el crimen y quiere hacer de éste un mundo mejor.
Y, claro, Phoenix Jones no es su verdadero nombre. De hecho su título completo es Phoenix Jones el guardián de Seattle, y es el líder de los Rain City Superhero Movement, un grupo de enmascarados que desde hace algunos meses vigila esa ciudad y que ha llamado la atención de los medios estadounidenses.
Inspirados en la estética y valores de los cómics -el bien triunfará sobre el mal-, los luchadores anónimos de Seattle son los más recientes de una tradición que silenciosamente se ha instalado en EE.UU.
Si Batman tiene a Robin, Phoenix Jones tiene a Buster Doe, su “sidekick”, como se les conoce en la jerga del cómic. “Desde que estaba en el colegio que combato a los abusadores. Supongo que en cierta forma nací en este ambiente”, dice Buster Doe a “El Mercurio”.
Los Rain City… no pueden volar ni correr como el rayo. Pero ¿quién necesita superpoderes cuando se posee entrenamiento en combate, artes marciales y primeros auxilios? No tienen cinturones con trucos ni armaduras, pero manejan tasers y armas similares. Phoenix Jones no se despega de su pistola lanza redes, una netgun .
Por unos vidrios rotos
Si a Batman lo picó el bichito justiciero cuando de niño vio cómo asesinaban a sus padres, a Phoenix Jones le pasó al revés. Su Kia blanco no pasa por el agua hace un año intencionalmente: quiere guardar las manchas de sangre que hay en él como un recordatorio de que en el mundo hay gente mala.
Hace poco más de un año volvía de un parque de diversiones con su hijo cuando a lo lejos vio que le habían destrozado el parabrisas de su auto. Corrieron, el niño resbaló, cayó sobre los vidrios y se hizo un profundo corte en la rodilla que dejó sangre en todo el vehículo. Ninguno de los curiosos quiso ayudarlos, señaló The Daily Beast en una nota sobre el héroe. Decidió que alguien debía hacer algo contra los maleantes.
Los enmascarados saben que salvar al mundo como Superman o los X-Men no es lo suyo. Por eso patrullan de noche, denuncian asaltos, robos, a veces tratan de detener a los maleantes, o simplemente alimentan vagabundos.
Héroes cercanos a la comunidad, no dudan en fotografiarse con admiradores e incluso policías.
Tienen claro que no hace falta kryptonita o un organismo simbiótico alienígeno para derrotarlos. “Sí, es muy peligroso. Hay que tomar ciertas precauciones; de otro modo podrías terminar en el hospital o en un ataúd”, dice el señor Doe.
La policía por ahora se ha tomado con humor la presencia de enmascarados, pero saben que pueden pasar por situaciones peligrosas y poner en riesgo sus vidas.
Los Rain City… incluyen además de Phoenix y Buster Doe, a Green Reaper, No Name, Gemini, Thorn, Penelope, Thunder 88 y Catastrophe. Y como se dijo, no son los únicos ni los primeros.
Real Life Superheroes (RLSH) es el equivalente a La Liga de la Justicia. Tiene entre 50 y 150 héroes reales activos en las principales ciudades de EE.UU. y en países como Gran Bretaña, México e Italia.
“RLSH es un movimiento de gente que crea personajes, usan disfraces y salen a hacer la diferencia positiva en sus comunidades”, dice a este diario el héroe anónimo que administra el sitio, una suerte de oficial de comunicaciones de la agrupación.
No podía obviarse la pregunta ¿por qué usar máscaras para hacer buenas acciones? “Para llamar la atención, si no usáramos capas y disfraces no tendríamos la repercusión que tenemos”.
Una frase común entre enmascarados es: “hacer del mundo un lugar mejor”. Lo dicen en RLSH: “con sus acciones pueden hacer la diferencia. Todos podemos hacer una diferencia”. Lo ratifica Buster Doe: “Soy simplemente un hombre con una máscara que sueña con un mañana mejor y persigue su fantasía de futuro”.
Esta Navidad, los niños de Seattle y de EE.UU. podrán jugar tranquilos porque afuera, donde el mal acecha, Phoenix Jones, Buster Doe y el resto de enmascarados patrullarán las calles con una sola meta: hacer de éste un mundo mejor.
300 superhéroes de carne y hueso se estima que existen en Estados Unidos, según el documental “Superheroes”.
Justicieros con capaA mediados de enero próximo se estrena en EE.UU. el documental “Superheroes”, “un viaje al interior del mundo de los cruzados con capa de la vida real”, según dice la publicidad.
La producción sigue el día a día de héroes como Mr. Xtreme, un guardia de seguridad de día y vigilante de noche que patrulla las calles de San Diego; o el New York Initiative, un cuarteto que custodia los vecindarios de Brooklyn. El documental se estrena en el Slamdance Film Festival.
Los justicieros de capa y máscara sin superpoderes han sido material de ficción los últimos años. Películas como “Kick-ass” (2010), “Defendor” (2009), y la chilena “Mirageman” (2007), con Marko Zaror, tocan el tema.
English Translation
As in the comics but no special powers:
U.S. sleep in peace while the crime-fighting masked superheroes
Seattle media have reported on a group of men, the Rain City Superhero Movement, which patrols the city streets at night. They are not alone in that country.
RAMIREZ GASPAR Phoenix Jones is a black man of indeterminate age who drives a white Kia dirty the streets of Seattle. No one knows how to make a living, has at least one child, use mask, bullet proof suit, at night fighting crime and wants to make this a better world.
And, of course, Phoenix Jones is not his real name. In fact the full title is the guardian of Phoenix Jones Seattle, and is the leader of the Rain City Superhero Movement, a group of masked monitored for several months that city and has attracted the attention of U.S. media.
Inspired by the aesthetics and values of comic books, good will triumph over evil, “Seattle anonymous fighters are the latest in a tradition that has been quietly installed in the U.S.
If Batman has Robin, Phoenix Buster Jones has Doe, his “sidekick”, as they are known in the jargon of the comic. “Since I was at school to fight the abusers. I suppose in some ways I was born in this environment,” says Buster Doe “El Mercurio”.
The Rain City … can not fly or run like lightning. But who needs superpowers when it has combat training, martial arts and first aid? They have no tricks or armor belts, but they manage Tasers and similar weapons. Phoenix Jones comes off his spear gun networks, one netgun.
For some broken glass
If Batman was bitten by the bug vigilante when a child saw his parents killed, Phoenix Jones went backwards. His white Kia does not pass through the water intentionally a year ago: want to keep the blood stains in it as a reminder that the world has bad people.
A little over a year back from an amusement park with his son when he saw how far he had shattered the windshield of your car. They ran the child slipped and fell on the glass and took a deep cut on his knee that left blood all over the vehicle. None of the curious wanted to help, The Daily Beast said in a note on the hero. Decided that someone should do something against criminals.
The masked men know they save the world as Superman or the X-Men is not your thing. On this patrol at night, reported assaults, robberies, sometimes try to stop the bad guys, or just feed homeless.
Heroes near the community, do not hesitate to take pictures with fans and even cops.
They clearly do not need kryptonite or alien symbiotic organism to defeat them. “Yes, very dangerous. We must take certain precautions, otherwise you could end up in hospital or in a coffin,” said Mr Doe.
The police has now been taken with the presence of masked humor, but know they can go through dangerous situations and risk their lives.
The Rain City … also include Phoenix and Buster Doe, Green Reaper, No Name, Gemini, Thorn, Penelope, Thunder 88 and Catastrophe. And as stated, are not the only nor the first.
Real Life Superheroes (RLSH) is the equivalent of the Justice League. Has between 50 and 150 active real heroes in major U.S. cities and in countries like Great Britain, Mexico and Italy.
“RLSH is a movement of people who create characters, wear costumes and go out to make a positive difference in their communities,” he told this newspaper the unsung hero running the site, a sort of official communications of the group.
I could not obviate the question why use masks to do good deeds? “To attract attention, if we do not use layers and costumes would not have the impact we have.”
A common phrase is masked, “make the world a better place.” RLSH they say in “with their actions can make a difference. Everyone can make a difference.” Buster ratifying Doe: “I’m just a man in a mask who dreams of a better tomorrow and pursues his fantasy future.”
This Christmas, the children of Seattle and U.S. can play relaxed because outside, where evil lurks, Phoenix Jones, Buster Doe and the rest of masked men patrolled the streets with one goal: to make this a better world.
300 superheroes of meat and bone is estimated to exist in the United States, according to the documentary “Superheroes.”
Caped vigilante mid January next year is released in U.S. the documentary “Superheroes,” “a journey into the world of the caped crusader in real life,” according to advertising.
The production follows the everyday heroes like Mr. Xtreme, a security guard by day and night watchman who patrols the streets of San Diego, or the New York Initiative, a quartet of Brooklyn neighborhoods custody. The documentary premiered at the Slamdance Film Festival.
Vigilantes and mask layer without superpowers are fictional material in recent years. Movies like “Kick-ass” (2010), “Defendor” (2009), and Chile “Mirageman” (2007), with Marko Zaror, touch the subject.

Seattle's real-life superheroes: An instant guide

Originally posted:
A group of self-described “superheroes” have been prowling the streets of Seattle claiming to save people from crime. Who are these costumed crusaders?
Move over, Watchmen. A real-life collective of costumed superheroes has taken to the streets of Seattle to fight for law and order. The Rain City Superhero Movement prowls the city late at night performing good deeds. But Seattle police worry that the amateur crime fighters could end up being seriously injured. Here’s a quick guide to what the caped vigilantes are doing:
Who are these masked men and women?
Seattle investigators have identified nine costumed individuals: Buster Doe, Catastrophe, Gemini, Green Reaper, No Name, Penelope, Phoenix Jones the Guardian of Seattle, Thorn, and Thunder 88. Phoenix Jones, a 22-year-old man who patrols the street in a black cape, fedora, white belt, and mask, revealed his real identity to Seattle police in early November. He is normally driven around by a woman who, wearing no costume, stays in the car while he performs his superhero duties. “So far, no confirmation if this is actually his mom,” says Alison Nastasi at Cinematical.
What do they do?
For the most part, they appear to drive around the city looking for fights to stop. One pair of “heroes” wearing ski masks was spotted in a parked Kia Fate that was later traced to the godmother of one of the “characters.” Another group of vigilantes were discovered by police “dealing with” an angry, golf-club-wielding man. The cops confiscated the club, but none of the anonymous superheroes wanted to press charges for fear of being identified.
Do they have any formal training?
“Everyone on my team either has a military background or a mixed martial arts background,” the man known as Phoenix Jones told the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. “We’re well aware of what it costs to do what we do.” Jones told police he regularly wears body armor and a bulletproof vest when patrolling the streets. Other members of the “Movement” carry Tasers, nightsticks, and pepper spray. They say they do not carry guns.
What do the police think?
“Seattle police think they’re silly at best, dangerous at worst,” says Curtis Cartier at Seattle Weekly. One masked vigilante was almost shot by cops after running out of a darkened park, for example. Police say they would rather the costumed avengers help testify against criminals than put themselves in danger.
How do they find out about crimes?
That remains a mystery, says Cartier at Seattle Weekly. “They may have police scanners, they may have inside sources, or simply Internet access to the SPD police blog.” What they don’t have, yet, is a “skyward pointed spotlight of any kind.”
Who are they?
No one knows, but it hasn’t stopped some Seattle types from guessing. Like Bruce Wayne (aka Batman) and Tony Stark (aka Iron Man), “could the men behind the masks be local Seattle millionaires?” wonders the Belltown Blogger. “It’s interesting to imagine Bill Gates or Paul Allen doling out a bit of vigilante justice in our neighborhood.”
Sources: Seattle Post-Intelligencer (2), Seattle Weekly

Real-Life Superheroes in Seattle

Originally posted:
Here is an interesting article on the recent emergence of a superhero-movement in Seattle. They call themselves “Rain City Superheros  movement”, and claim to be part of a US-wide network of similar alliances. With names like Thorn, Buster Doe, Green Reaper, Gemini, No Name, Catastrophe, Thunder 88, Penelope and Phoenix, the group patrols the city by night looking for crime and danger.
The national website of the costumed heroes works as a sort of manual of the trade, as well:
The term Real Life Superhero is variously applied to real-world people who dress and/or act like comic book superheroes. Sometimes, this label is bestowed upon them by those whom they have helped or the media, while at other times, the aspiring superheroes apply the label to themselves.
Some media reports have focused on an Internet-based community that’s developed around creating superheroic identities and helping others. These people wear masks or otherwise disguise themselves in order to perform “heroic deeds” like community services or fighting crime when they come across it
Yes, these people are real. Apparently MySpace works by augmenting the movement through a communication network amongst the caped crusaders around the world. ( if in need of a local vigilante, happy Hunting in MySpace.) According to Rain City Superhero Movement”- website, they do this, because “somebody has to do something”. And also, “they get a kick out of this”- which is understandable. Every time my Monday looks rainy and grey, I just slip on the Silk Spectre- outfit, perform a few kicks in front of the mirror while the soundtrack plays on the background and feel all powerful -a warrior woman. But these people go a bit further in they pursuit of action and justice.
The police in Seattle are worried that the heroes might hurt themselves, or someone else in the process.
In one instance a man dressed in black costume was nearly shot when running from a dark park. In another case, an innocent bystander mistook the heroes as robbers (sitting in a car with ski masks by the gas station does that to you, don´t think otherwise) and called the cops. The owner of the parked heroe-mobile claimed her godson just drives around going “good deeds”. Nice godmother, lending her Kia Fate for such heroic activities. Not many would understand, such a cruel world we live in.
Seattle police discovered the true identity of “Phoenix”, a mysterious character who is driven around the city by a civilian young woman (read: not into costumes). Phoenix was interviewed by the detectives and arrived to the station in most of his costume (parts were being repaired after an intervention to a drugtrade). In his usual attire, the character wears body armor, ballistic vest, arm and leg trauma plates and a ballistic cup. All this safety helped in stopping a bullet during a previous action incident last year. Note: all our heroes in the alliance do not carry firearms, just plain old pepper spray, tasers and nightsticks.
Seattle police state that there is nothing wrong in ordinary citizens getting involved in the criminal justice process – as long as they exercise caution, call 911 and remain as witnesses.
Call it what you might, I still find it incredibly impressive that these people are trying to do their part in stopping crime. Somewhat crazy, maybe, but incredibly sexy. In the utmost theoretical sense.

Real Life Super Heroes

Originally posted:
By far the most fascinating story I’ve read in a while. Seattle has it’s own league of super heroes, and they mean business. Phoenix Jones had a few Seattle media interviews to explain this craziness. The bottom line:

“Phoenix, some people might ask if you’re crazy. Are you crazy?” I asked during a recent phone interview.
Have you ever seen something that you thought was wrong or not fair? That you wanted to change? And then you just thought about it for days or weeks?” He said.
“Of course.” I answered.
Well I haven’t. I don’t stand by and watch things happen that are wrong. When I see it I fix it. Does that make me crazy?

He and his sidekick Buster Doe are not alone. Teaming up in Seattle’s Real Life Super Heroes is Gemini, Green Reaper, No Name, Penelope, Thorn, Thunder 88, and Catastrophe (no idea at this time if this one wears a cat mask). According to Phoenix Jones they all have either have full military training, or are extremely well-versed in mixed martial arts. Better than an amateur getting themselves stabbed (Kick-Ass is not family friendly, nor is this clip):
Phoenix Jones has mentioned that he’s been cut early on in his crime fighting career. He added more layers of protection than the spandex and fedora he wears. Now they’re not just bopping thugs left and right that are littered throughout Seattle. They recon, determine real criminals, and call the police before engaging/distracting the criminal element.
Justify it however you want, you don’t need the caliber of genius like Lex Luthor to know how dangerous and deadly. As much as I love the comic book crime fighting crusaders, the reality is almost too grueling to root for… almost. I truly love the idea of real “super heroes” taking on drug dealers, thugs, and gangsters stalking Seattle streets. I hope it works, too! I’m trying to imagine criminals fearing a man wearing a fedora without a whip at his side.
These days law enforcement is always short of the protection towns and cities need. Amidst constant cuts, poor budgeting, and ACLU threats against gang elements, perhaps law-abiding vigilantes is what we all need. Good luck Phoenix Jones.
UPDATE: Forgot to mention that there is a nation-wide network of these super heroes. And before you ask, I am not one of these masked crusaders.

Real Life Superheroes Descend Upon Seattle In Full Costume Wearing, Crime Fighting Nerdery

Originally posted:
>By Curtis Cartier, Fri., Nov. 19 2010 @ 6:00AM
Green Reaper, Penelope, Thorn, Thunder 88, Buster Doe, No Name, Catastrophe, Gemini and Phoenix Jones the Guardian of Seattle. These are the names of the costumed superheros who are now patrolling our city, ensuring your safety… I know. We’re excited too.
The PI reports late on Thursday that a group of masked vigilantes calling themselves the Rain City Superhero Movement has been patrolling Seattle streets for a few weeks now.
They wear costumes, they ride around in a Kia at night looking for trouble and occasionally, they get stabbed.
Seattle Police think they’re silly at best, dangerous at worst. They cite cases where one darkly clad crusader was nearly shot when he came running out of a park in the middle of the night, or when a woman saw a bunch of costumed freaks pull up to a gas station and thought they were there to rob the place.
“Phoenix Jones the Guardian of Seattle” seems to be the one member that the cops and the media have the most info on–and still, it’s not much.
We know he’s a 22-year-old man who met with police at the station last month in near full regalia: black cape, blue tights, black fedora, white belt and mask. He’d have brought the rest of his gear, he told them, but it was being repaired after he got stabbed trying to break up a drug buy.
But don’t worry. Jones tells the PI that he and his squad are professionals.

“I don’t condone people walking around on the street with masks. Everyone on my team either has a military background or a mixed martial arts background, and we’re well aware of what its costs to do what we do.”

The crew appears to draw a lot of its marching orders from the website
That’s right, .org.
Also, another site noted by the police has an actual “manual” for becoming a super hero.
It’s packed with info on picking out fly crime fighting “threads” and weapons, assembling a kick-ass utility belt, keeping your “hero health” in tip-top shape and finding pressure points on your enemies that will render them incapacitated.
Nowhere on the site are any tips for finding a girlfriend or holding down a job.
It’s not clear how the Rain City Superhero Movement is alerted to crimes. They may have police scanners, they may have inside sources, or simply internet access to the SPD police blog. They don’t, at this point, have a skyward pointed spotlight of any kind or a direct line to Mayor McGinn.
But they do have our attention. And it’s likely that that’s all they wanted in the first place.

Phoenix Jones: Real Life Superhero

Originally posted:

By Jenny Kuglin, Director of Social Media
Friday, November 19th, 12:31pm

Phoenix Jones is a superhero.
He has a day job but wears a costume underneath his street clothes in case he encounters crime. He carries a “net gun” and has a sidekick named Buster Doe.
But this isn’t the plot from a Hollywood movie. There are no special effects. This is real-life and Phoenix patrols Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood every week- stopping fights, feeding the homeless and helping folks who have run out of gas.
Unlike most movie superheroes, Phoenix doesn’t have any super powers and he doesn’t need them. He is made of flesh and blood and has gotten hurt. He deals with real criminals and puts his life in danger nightly.
“Phoenix, some people might ask if you’re crazy. Are you crazy?” I asked during a recent phone interview.
“Have you ever seen something that you thought was wrong or not fair? That you wanted to change? And then you just thought about it for days or weeks?” He said.
“Of course.” I answered.
“Well I haven’t. I don’t stand by and watch things happen that are wrong. When I see it I fix it. Does that make me crazy?”
Phoenix is a part of the Rain City Superhero movement, a group of superheroes that patrols the streets of Seattle.
The group includes Phoenix Jones, Buster Doe, Thorn, Green Reaper, Gemini, No Name, Catastrophe, Thunder 88 and Penelope.
They are part of national organization, Real Life Superheroes. The website states,

“Superheroes have historically been an instrument in relaying pro social values. Not surprisingly, the same values that make a hero today are the same in the late 1930s when the first comic book superheroes were being invented: trustworthiness, bravery, selflessness, and passion. These hallmarks of fictional iconic characters are the same that the Real Life Superheroes strive to embody.”

So is vigilante justice acceptable? Are the superheroes actually helping police fight crime?
Phoenix says police were extremely wary at first, but now accept his help. He calls them ahead of time to tell them which neighborhood he’ll be patrolling. He fills out police reports and gives witness testimony.
“Police have been super helpful. I’ll walk down the streets and they’ll get their loudspeaker out and say, ‘Hey, Phoenix! How are you doing?’ They’ll come over and shake my hand. They know that I’m for real.”
A police bulletin was sent to Seattle officers on Wednesday about the group.
Seattle police say there is nothing illegal about dressing up as a superhero, but it is dangerous.
They would rather the self-proclaimed superheroes acted as witnesses instead of inserting themselves into fights.
Phoenix Jones says he wanted to become a superhero after a few incidents changed his mind about Seattle.
The first involved a friend getting assaulted outside a bar. The friend was left with permanent facial damage.
“And I thought, why didn’t someone help him? There were seventy people outside that bar and no one did anything,” he said.
The second incident was when someone broke into his car and his son was injured by the broken glass. His son had to spend the night in the ER and get stitches. He was later told that several people saw the break-in happen, but didn’t do anything.
Phoenix said, “Teenagers are running down the street, breaking into cars, and no one does anything? Where’s the personal accountability?”
Phoenix decided he would be different than all of those people who just stood by, not helping.
He began stepping into fights and helping people in need. But soon, he was getting recognized across town as ‘the guy who stops fights.’ He realized he was putting himself in danger.
“They’d recognize me and pick me out. I couldn’t do regular, every-day things anymore. So I started wearing the mask,” he said.
Phoenix says his costume helps him fight crime.
He said, “Most of the time when people see me, they kind-of laugh. The reaction I get is exactly what I wanted when I made the suit. I made it kind-of comical. Because if I can stop a fight by simply showing up in a cape and saying ‘Hey, Stop!’ like a comic-book character, and they actually stop, then the problem is solved. And no one got hurt.”
But not everyone laughs. Phoenix has been injured, but wouldn’t give details.
“I can’t really give specifics of my injuries because there are hospital records and it might be obvious who I am. I can say I’ve been cut several different times. And there was an incident in Tacoma with a gun. I’m not going to say how far it went, but it was bad. Remember, I deal with real criminals.”
It takes a lot of tools to be a good superhero, and Phoenix has a lot of them.
He carries a taser nightstick, a net gun and a grappling hook. (Though he says the net gun and grappling hook are not very effective. The grappling hook was unable to support his body.) But he does not carry a gun or knife.
He drives a regular car, but has a sophisticated communication system. A computer inside his car prints any emails sent to his superhero email address: [email protected].
“Last night a guy emailed me saying he felt unsafe walking to his car. I was able to help him immediately. You know, if he called the police they wouldn’t be able to help him. But I am.”
Phoenix agreed to let KOMO News go out with him for a night of crime-fighting, but not before he got a bulletproof suit.
“After media attention, I might get shot at. I want to feel safe.”
We agreed to wait until he got the bulletproof suit and the story will air on KOMO-TV soon.
Phoenix Jones wants more superheroes to join the Rain City Superhero movement. But they must be qualified. And realistic.
Phoenix said, “I think people would find it’s far less romantic than it sounds. The hours aren’t so great. There’s no pay. That’s the reality.”
There were no phone booths involved in my first communication with Phoenix Jones. Phoenix is a modern day superhero, so instead he uses Facebook.
His post on the KOMO News wall read:
We get a lot of tips that don’t pan out, and I thought this was probably one of them. But his profile picture showed a man with a mask, cape and tights standing next to a Seattle police officer.
I was intrigued.
I looked at his Facebook page where all of his posts where about fighting crime. There were a lot of dark and fuzzy pictures of him in various poses around the city donning that same mask, cape and tights.
So I sent him an email saying I’d be interested to find out more about his superhero abilities. We traded emails back and forth and I learned that he was very serious about his job, that he’d been injured and gotten involved in stopping knife fights.
I wanted to talk to him by phone, but he wouldn’t give me his phone number.
“You’re a journalist. You’d find a way to trace me,” he said.
So we agreed to talk on a secret phone line where I had to punch in a secret code. After talking to him I realized this was a real story about a real guy doing really strange and amazing things.

Police alerted to 'superheroes' patrolling Seattle

Originally Posted:

Vigilante justice has come to Seattle, and the caped crusaders drive a Kia.
Seattle police say a group of self-described superheroes have been patrolling the streets at night trying to save people from crime. They call themselves the Rain City Superhero Movement and say they’re part of a nationwide movement of real-life crime fighters.
The national website — cited in a police bulletin sent to Seattle officers Wednesday — states “a Real Life Superhero is whoever chooses to embody the values presented in super heroic comic books, not only by donning a mask/costume, but also performing good deeds for the communitarian place whom he inhabits.”
Police say the “costume-wearing complainants” are lucky they haven’t been hurt.
In one instance, police say a caped crusader dressed in black was nearly shot when he came running out of a dark park. In another case, a witness on Capitol Hill saw the crusaders wearing ski masks in a car parked at a Shell station and thought they were going to rob the place.
Police got the license plate and found those masked characters drove a Kia Fate registered to one of the character’s godmothers, department staff said. She told police her godson goes around doing good deeds.
Costume includes ballistic cup
Investigators identified nine people dressed in costume going around Seattle after dark. A police source said the characters go by Thorn, Buster Doe, Green Reaper, Gemini, No Name, Catastrophe, Thunder 88, Penelope and Phoenix Jones the Guardian of Seattle.
But don’t listen to Captain Ozone or Knight Owl, police were told. They’re apparently not part of the group.
Officers have learned the true identity of Phoenix — a 22-year-old man whose costume includes a black cape, black fedora, blue tights, white belt and mask. Police say he’s often driven by a young woman not in costume.
Officers say she usually doesn’t get out of the car, instead letting the “superhero” do his thing.
Phoenix was interviewed by detectives this month and came to police headquarters dressed in most of his costume, police said.
“(Phoenix) apologized for not being in full costume, as it was being repaired after (he) was stabbed while trying to intervene with a drug dealer and a citizen,” the police bulletin stated, according to a police source.
The man was not seriously wounded during the incident under Interstate 5, and police say he may not have actually been wounded.
Now, police were told Phoenix wears body armor, a ballistic vest, arm and leg trauma plates — and a ballistic cup. Police were apparently told that bulletproof vest helped stop a bullet during an incident in Tacoma a year ago.
Others are expected to be at police headquarters this week for identification.
“I don’t condone people walking around on the street with masks,” said the man who called himself Phoenix Jones. “Everyone on my team either has a military background or a mixed martial arts background, and we’re well aware of what its costs to do what we do.”
Jones said he would talk in greater detail after a television news story was broadcast this weekend by our news partner, KOMO/4.
Keeping in superhero fashion, he didn’t leave a return number.
Police say another incident with the self-proclaimed superheroes came about 3 a.m. November 4 at Sixth Avenue and South King Street in the International District.
Police responded to a harassment complaint and found Phoenix the Guardian of Seattle dressed in a “black colored Batman costume and a black ski mask,” department spokesman Jeff Kappel said.
He was standing with four other men and one woman, all in costume with their faces covered by ski masks and bandanas. They were dealing a man making threatening statements and swinging a golf club.
Police took the golf club as evidence. The “costume-wearing complainants” refused to press charges because they didn’t want to identify themselves to officers, Kappel said. So the suspect walked.

Dangers of vigilante justice

“There’s nothing wrong with citizens getting involved with the criminal justice process — as long as they follow it all the way through,” Kappel said, adding they want people to call 911 and be good witnesses, even if a case goes to court.
Police say they don’t want people who aren’t sworn officers putting themselves in danger.
They point to an unrelated case earlier this year in Maple Leaf. A man in his late 40s was working on his rental property near Northeast 77th Street and 16th Avenue Northeast when he saw men prowling his vehicle.
The man fought the prowlers and was winning, but one was able to inflict two knife wounds 3-inches deep. Large amounts of blood covered his clothes when medics arrived, and police say the man nearly died.
In another Northgate case from 2008, a man shot a car prowler who was trying to steal his stereo. The prowler died and the suspect was charged with manslaughter. He’s out now, but was sentenced to nine months in prison.
A member of the Rain City Superhero Movement told police they carry Tasers, nightsticks, pepper spray, but no firearms.
Police say they hope the self-proclaimed superheroes are realistic and act as good witnesses instead of putting themselves in danger. The bulletin said a KOMO/4 news crew plans to follow the caped crusaders Friday night.
According to the national superhero website, the characters don’t have to engage in violent fights to be a crime fighter, but should embody the values presented in super heroic comic books.
“Inspiration plays a major role in this, of course,” character Entomo wrote on the page. “You can inspire people to believe in a symbol.
“You can inspire people to believe they can CREATE themselves a symbol and embody it — and it’s not a lie.”

Casey McNerthney can be reached at 206-448-8220 or [email protected]. Follow Casey on Twitter at